5 Things Every Tall Swimmer Hears
6-time Olympic medalist Matt Grevers, aka The Gentle Giant, is 6 feet 9 inches tall.
Making a Living through Swimming
Do you love coaching? Do you wish you could use your expertise to make a substantial living? Are you ready to take the next step for your professional career?
What does the perfect Swimmer’s Groundhog Day look like for you?
“At the end of one of my favorite movies, Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s character finally lives the perfect day. After repeating Feb 2nd innumerable times, he eventually makes each day a masterpiece by developing his talents and hobbies to the fullest potential…”
FINA Announces Qualifying Times for 2015 World Masters Championships
FINA has approved time standards and events for the 2015 World Masters’ Championships that will be held from August 10th…
6 Ways to Get the Most from Your Swimmers
Motivating Boys vs. Girls: Six Ways to Get the Most from Your Swimmers
5 Quotes To Help You Stay Swimming Tough
“Here are 5 of our favorite quotes that can serve as a boost during a painful sprint set, or a mantra to get you through a seemingly endless distance workout.”
Nine Swimming T-Shirt Sayings With Wisdom and Insight
#9 “H2O: two parts Heart and one part Obsession”
3 Drills To Improve Your Backstroke Kick
Try these three drills to maintain a powerful backstroke kick.
Cancer Survivor Katie Kennell-Langan Needs A Strong Heart
“She’d beaten cancer, but how the chemo weakened her immune system and a virus had settled in her heart…”
3 Steps to Building Your Own Swimming Business
Do you love coaching? Do you wish you could use your expertise to make a substantial living? Are you ready to take the next step for your professional career?
Olympian Josh Davis Tests USRPT, Swims Fastest Times in Ten Years (Feature Video)
5-time Olympic medalist, Josh Davis, has been training USRPT since last year. After hearing so much debate about this training method, he decided to try it himself. Listen to his results…
8 Nutritional Recommendations For Swimmers
# 3 – A little protein before a workout goes a long way.
Barbados Open Water Festival Featured Video
World Champion and Olympian Alex Meyer won the open water event. See results here.