
Olympic Courtesy: It’s The Small Things that Count

“Grevers and Adrian? Are they the nicest Olympians in London?” (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


“Workaholics” Anders Holm, Olympic drop-in

Anders Holm — writer-creator-producer and star of Comedy Central’s “Workaholics”  — swam NCAA Division I at Wisconsin. He was a…


The Swim Bachelor Searches for Love in Swimming

With the 2016 Olympics headed our way, we need Jesse to return or we need to find a new Swim Bachelor and Swim Bachelorette to cover this important topic.


Deciding to win USA’s first Olympic Gold and…DOING IT!

Making the decision of setting your goals is a first big step. Check out Katrina’s interview with Olympic Gold Medalist,…


Missy Franklin: She Could Have Been Canadian

Missy, Ehh? (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Dave and Gary Discuss the Sport’s Greatest, Kind Of

David: Coming in at number five: Shirley Babashoff. Queen Shali Baba was as good as they come, and one of the few people I can think of where saying “she went postal” means she went on to have a great job with benefits.


Moment to moment experience winning Olympic Gold

Katrina interviews Olympic Gold Medalist, Nelson Diebel. He shares his moment to moment experience winning at the Olympic Games. Enjoy!…


Family at the Picadilly Circus: 11 Sets of Siblings Set to Swim in London

The sisters Anderson (Haley and Alyssa) are not the only siblings going to London. (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Olympic village insider scoop

What is it like in the Olympic village? Katrina interviews 3 Olympic backstrokers: Bob Jackson, Peter Rocca, and John Naber,…


4-time Olympian on boycott, title nine, and pro athletes

Jill Sterkel, four-time Olympian shares what it was like to deal with the Olympic boycott, competing against steroid-users, and  changes…

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Superstitions and beliefs – Olympic rituals

This is part two of my interview with Olympic Gold Medalist, Nelson Diebel. He shares how he had to change…

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3 Olympic backstrokers – friends and competitors?

Dear Katrina, What is it like when you have to race your friends and main competitors in practice? To partially…

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2nd Attack on Swimmers, This Time a Beaver

MAIL ONLINE: “Annabella Radnovich and her 11-year-old sister, Alyssa, were playing with their cousins at Lake Anna in Virginia’s Spotsylvania County when the 65 pound animal bit and scratched their legs.”


Colleges? If I’m Good Enough, They Will Come

“Don’t count on just completing an online questionnaire to put you solidly in the recruiting pool. College coaches are very busy these days…” (Photo Courtesy: ©Tim Binning/


Matt Farrell and Kara Lynn Joyce Graciously Stop By

Garrett’s interview was better, he knows it, so do you. But we also have Matt Farrell with us, the Ice Loves Coco of sports marketing for USA Swimming, a true genius. Stop by, you might learn something.

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