
Swim Training: Got the long course blues, then shorten your 50 meter lane

Long course season and warmer weather means fewer lanes and more swimmers in the water. When pressed for space, coaches and swimmers all-too-often sacrifice speed and turn development in workouts.

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18 Swim Jobs You Might Love

Who wouldn’t want to work in swimming? The sport of swimming is great!

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3 Reasons Why Chloe Sutton Likes SwimSpray

Two-time Olympian Chloe Sutton knows swimming, knows the lifestyle and strives to make it fit her life. She trains with…

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Syrian Olympian Azad Al-Barazi Swims For His War Ravaged Country

Azad Al-Barazi: “I still wanted to swim, and the only reason why is for the Syrian people, for the 140,000 plus people that died, 7,000 of them children. For the economic losses and for the 3 million homes destroyed…”


Four Steps to Help You Adjust to a New Swim Team

When joining a new swim club for the first time, a swimmer undoubtedly has numerous questions running through his or her head: How will I fit in with the rest of the team? Will I be able to connect well with the coach? Am I going to be the slowest swimmer on deck?


Swim Gear: Q Swimwear Design Contest, “Your Style on Your Suit!”

Q Swimwear wants to see what you, the swimmers, the parents, the coaches, would like to see on a swim suit.

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Swim Gear: Rethink Raccoon Eyes With Speedo USA’s Elastomeric Technology Goggle Collection

Whether you’re swimming for competition, fitness or fun, the first step to diving in is having the right equipment. Choosing the perfect pair of goggles for your eyes – and for your activity – is key.

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Swim Training: Challenge The Norm of Underwater Kicking

This week, challenge yourself to branch out from the typical underwater kick set, usually involving some combination of fins and endless 25s.

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3 Ways to Improve Your Kick

Kicking can be your secret weapon if you focus on developing it. Whether it comes naturally to you or not, a strong kick will help you close your races hard.


Cameron’s world record overlooked at British Championships

The only world record performance at the British Gas Masters Championships in Swansea was Kirstin Cameron’s 40-44 age group 1500m freestyle.


Fitter and Faster Swim Tip: How to battle nerves before a big race

Olympic Champion Alyssa Anderson says battling nerves before your big race is very manageable if you do two simple things…

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Drills with Paddles: 5 Days of Swim Training Sets

For coaches and swimmers looking to improve timing and strength in the water, single arm drilling is a simple solution. Incorporating a single arm drill into each practice allows for technique-based drilling without sacrificing too much time on intervals.

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World’s Most Advanced Swim Workout & Training Platform To Launch at Swim.com

Swim.com launches into beta, bringing swimming one step closer to a future of constant connectivity and feedback.

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Two Secrets of College Recruiting: Shoe Size and Kicking Ability

College swim coaches are all strapped for time. Only a handful of programs have big staffs with recruiting coordinators. The rest of the coaches have to do everything themselves, maybe with help from a grad assistant.


ISHOF Celebrates 100 Years of Water Safety – Video Feature

Swimming video feature is courtesy of the International Swimming Hall of Fame (ISHOF).

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