Introducing SwimSwam’s Newest Feature: Push Notifications

Do you spend your workday constantly checking for any new updates on your favorite swimmers? Do you lose sleep at night with concern you’ll miss the latest happenings in the aquatic world? Have you worn out your refresh button trying to make sure you’re the first to see our next Nathan Adrian photo gallery?

Well worry no more, swim fans! As always, SwimSwam has you covered with our newest feature: push notifications.

“But that’s too complicated for me?” we can hear you saying. But not so fast! You can sign up for instant SwimSwam notifications with just the push of a button! How?

1. Find the little alarm bell in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.

It’s a bell that hovers on the SwimSwam page as you scroll. It looks something like this:

2. Click the bell.

You do this with your mouse. Pro tip: if you’re viewing us on a mobile device, you can tap the bell with your finger!


3. Enjoy never missing a beat in your swimming fandom.

There’s nothing that says “true hardcore swimfan” more than getting push notifications from SwimSwam. Don’t be afraid to geek out. Click that notification button and take your aquatic obsession to the next level!


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Steve Nolan
8 years ago

Will the push notifications also send me posts in German and Hindi, like whatever RSS reader I grabbed a billion years ago?

8 years ago

I read swimswam religiously from my mobile device many times per day and push notifications sound excellent. However, I cannot seem to find the bell that you are referring to on my phone. Can anybody help?

Reply to  NortheastSwimmer
8 years ago

NortheastSwimmer – we’re working to make it functional on Safari now if you’re using an iPhone. If you use the Google Chrome browser instead, it should work there.

8 years ago

Let me be clear: I like this. It’s neat. However, the notifications that I want are in regards to comments. I want to know if my comments are be voted on or replied to, instead of checking the same story once a day (or every couple hours when it comes to heated debates).

bobo gigi
Reply to  SamH
8 years ago

Seriously, you are interested in seeing how your comments are voted? 😆 😆 😆 😆 I pity you. I hope you are not too emotional when there’s one downvote.
I don’t care at all how my comments are voted. Fortunately I don’t care. Because since the time I receive all those downvotes, I would already have stopped posting comments.
These votes are the worst invention ever made on swimswam.
I know it’s the current world, especially in USA right now, but it’s just populism and demagogy at their best.

The Screaming Viking!
Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

We need to start making up/downvote gifs and attaching karma to our accounts like Reddit. Because how else will we know who wins?

Reply to  The Screaming Viking!
8 years ago

By height

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

The voting is not as important as the replies. I want to be alerted of replies for sure, in order to continue debate or conversation.

And Bobo, I used to really like your comments, but now you have become a parody of yourself. Talking about “the bathtub”, and just general negativity. The downvotes you receive, I think, accurately reflect how people feel regarding your comments. Good for you for ignoring it, and I do to a lot of the time, but some times in an argument it’s nice to know how many people are “on your side” (or maybe lack of people on your side haha)

Reply to  bobo gigi
8 years ago

I think the down votes are – often – jealousy, bc you’re so swim-smart.

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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