FULL RECAP: 23 Chinese Swimmers Fail Drug Test, Still Compete in Tokyo Olympics

For those who haven’t heard or kept up with this shocking and ever-growing story, I did my best to give a full synopsis of the Chinese doping scandal that broke over the weekend. See links to every related SwimSwam article in chronological order below:

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3 months ago

At the end of the day, people have the right to believe what they want to believe and cherry pick what part of the process they trust or not. Like Cotterell said it’s their prerogative to be frustrated with the system, or to be suspicious of Chinese swimming, if that’s what they want to believe and no amount of facts is going to change that. What irks me is all this fake outrage. After the press conference today, WADA stands firmly by it’s processes and conclusions. USADA has been throwing allegations without evidence for years, and it’s clear WADA isn’t even remotely phased by any legal challenge. And it’s ludicrous that people then start to throw shade on WADA in… Read more »

Awsi Dooger
3 months ago

This 2021 article is loaded with irony given what was being concealed at the time:


Awsi Dooger
3 months ago

China is now stealing lines from our best and most ethical:

“The relevant reports are fake news and not factual,” Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Monday.

3 months ago

IF there had been no delay in checking samples (or before Jan 23), AND it would have resulted in a 6 month ban before reinstated due to results investigation, which seems is what the USADA both would have asked for, THEN all swimmers still would have been just cleared in time for the Olympics, no? The findings would have been Dec 31-Jan 3, the Olympics were more than 6 months later

Reply to  DutchinUSA
3 months ago

They would have been unable to participate in China’s Olympic trials

Reply to  Jay
3 months ago

There I could see “adjustments being made”.

(G)olden Bear
3 months ago

Man paid by China defends China. News at 11.

Steve Nolan
3 months ago

My only quibble is the invocation of this taking away “moments with their families.”

Which, eventually, I guess, but there were no spectators in Tokyo.

Reply to  Steve Nolan
3 months ago

They did not to have their celebrations post-Olympics when they returned home.

The energy and excitement is lost with the passage of time (and the next Olympics right around the corner).

Steve Nolan
Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

Well yeah, but whose family ain’t gonna celebrate if you’re one spot lower?

Ricky Bobby’s peyote-fueled dad can’t be everyone’s parents.

(I just think it’s a dumb cliche Tagart brought out to make people more emotionally involved that then got parroted by Coleman.)

3 months ago

Like 4-5 I’ll warily accept… But 23 swimmers? At that point it’s highly suspicious

Long Strokes
3 months ago

China will do anything they can to win. Cheating is not below them.

About Coleman Hodges

Coleman Hodges

Coleman started his journey in the water at age 1, and although he actually has no memory of that, something must have stuck. A Missouri native, he joined the Columbia Swim Club at age 9, where he is still remembered for his stylish dragon swim trunks. After giving up on …

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