Dick Pound Claims U.S. Non-Compliant With WADA, Could Lose Olympic Hosting Rights

Dick Pound, a former Canadian swimming champion and the founding president of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), told Reuters on Tuesday that the United States could lose Olympic hosting rights over its investigation of Chinese swimmers involved in a contamination controversy from 2021.

American law enforcement is examining the Chinese doping controversy under the Rodchenkov Act, which was passed in 2020 to extend U.S. jurisdiction to international sporting competitions featuring American athletes or financial connections. Named after the Russian whistleblower, the legislation yielded its first guilty plea last May against a man charged with distributing banned substances to a Nigerian sprinter before the Tokyo Olympics in 2021.

Earlier this month, World Aquatics confirmed that the U.S. had launched a federal investigation into the 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for a banned substance in 2021 and still competed at the Tokyo Olympics later that year. In May, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency traded jabs with WADA, alleging a cover-up by claiming that the global anti-doping authority swept the 23 positive tests “under the carpet.”

“That legislation is non-compliant with the anti-doping code,” Pound said of the Rodchenkov Act. “My guess is that one of the steps that WADA is going to take at this point is to turn this particular issue over to the compliance review committee.

“Which I suspect, if or when there’s a hearing on it, they will declare the United States non-compliant,” he added. “It would mean they could not host the Olympics.”

It’s most likely too late in the game to strip Los Angeles of 2028 Summer Olympics hosting rights with contracts already signed and so many plans established. But Pound said the International Olympic Committee (IOC) could delay its confirmation of Salt Lake City as host of the 2034 Winter Olympics at its annual congress next week over displeasure with the Rodchenkov Act.

“There’s certainly an opportunity, because apparently we have a session in Puerto Rico in November,” Pound said. “An easy way to finesse that would be to say, well listen these would be Games in the Americas maybe that’s the lace we should make our announcement in Puerto Rico. If I were king of the mountain, I would call up (U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee chair) Gene Sykes and say, listen the drums are starting to beat here and it’s this legislation that puts the U.S. offside.”

Eleven of the 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive in 2021 are set to compete at the Paris Olympics, which begin in just over a week. The most notable swimmers who tested positive were Tokyo Olympic champions Zhang Yufei and Wang Shun, and 2023 triple world champion and world record holder Qin Haiyang.

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Viking Steve
1 hour ago

Gooooood luck Dick on finding somewhere else to cough up lots of money to host in less than 4 years.

Oh … and though dost protest too much about the US review of your supposedly ‘independent review’

And finally… do you know who really ‘pays’ for the Olympics? NBC does… and they are not going to let you take away the LA Olympics

Last edited 1 hour ago by Viking Steve
Steve Nolan
6 hours ago

Usually I’d tell him to go pound sand, but I mean

7 hours ago

Interesting standards they have for choosing/denying host countries. Somehow, Bejing hosted only 14 years apart (08 and 22) which seems ridiculous considering how many worthy cities there are worldwide. Now they are considering banning us for investigating them? How much of WADA’s budget is supplied by China? They proved in 2020 they are good at paying to cover things up. The IOC will probably replace Salt Lake with Wuhan for 2034.

7 hours ago

My guy Dick Pound decided to rawdog that misinformation quite ungentlemanly

Seidman’s Capitalist Calves
8 hours ago

Dick Pound is a great guy to grab brewskies with. I hung out with him and Bradley P Kline in ‘02 at a conference is Latvia. Couldn’t have been nicer. He shared with us the origins of his name. I promised not to tell anyone, so i won’t do it here, but let’s just say he’s lived up to it. Enough said….

9 hours ago

Pound sand!
Power trip!

Last edited 9 hours ago by SwimFan1943
Sapiens Ursus
9 hours ago

So much stupid wanting to get in headlines over this.

These agencies being so goddamn political apparently actually does a great job of explaining why they seem so ineffective

Last edited 9 hours ago by Sapiens Ursus
Here Comes Lezak
9 hours ago

Didn’t read past the third word of the title tbh

About Riley Overend

Riley is an associate editor interested in the stories taking place outside of the pool just as much as the drama between the lane lines. A 2019 graduate of Boston College, he arrived at SwimSwam in April of 2022 after three years as a sports reporter and sports editor at newspapers …

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