Day 6 Contest Results For Engine Pick ‘Em Gear

Results are out for day 6 of the Engine Pick ‘Em contest, and the winner is “bbrswimmer” with a big 40 points in just 4 finals.

We’re not sure if this particular entrant is a fan of Justin Bieber (perhaps a Cammile Adams alias? We’ll never tell) or a fan of Babar the Elephant, but either way they’ll be receiving some sweet gear from our Olympic Trials sponsor Engine.

Thanks for playing all – one more set of daily prizes to be handed out tonight, and then we’ll hand out the grand prizes after Monday wraps the meet up.

40 bbrswimmer
38 djled4rd
38 hwh33
38 CanuckSwimmer
37 miws
37 SoCalAdvRacer
37 Orangejuicebox
37 donwin
37 Dan
36 RCWhite
36 jfb51
36 swim4me
35 TheWinningPick
35 IndianSwim
35 Elle_E_Gee
35 John Sampson

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12 years ago

At the end of the contest is there going to be a rundown of our picks and also will there be a way to put in seeds and see how many points they netted? I think it would be a cool set of data to play with.

Reply to  lv2srf95
12 years ago

Maybe? I’ll talk to Davis. He might be busy getting everything souped up and ready for the Olympics though. We have a spreadsheet though that we can certainly send out to anybody who’s interested in playing! (Real names of entrants redacted, of course).

Reply to  Braden Keith
12 years ago

Is there any way you could send me that? I’d have a lot of fun looking at it.

Reply to  lv2srf95
12 years ago

I think a lot of us would enjoy nerding out over that

Jean Michel
12 years ago

Well done bro ! great foracast

12 years ago

initials actually