A former Michigan-based swim coach has been suspended by USA Swimming and added to the U.S. Center for SafeSport Disciplinary Database.
Jeff Russell, officially entered in the database as Jeffrey “Jeff” Russell, was suspended for three years by USA Swimming and is listed in the SafeSport database as suspended for the following offenses: “Emotional Misconduct; Sexual Harassment; Inappropriate Conduct; Bullying.”
The sanctions against Russell are subject to appeal and not yet final. His entry in the SafeSport database currently list probation, a no-contact directive, and education restrictions.
The suspension began on July 2, 2024, and will conclude on July 2, 2027, barring a successful appeal.
In August 2021, Russell, who is also affiliated with USA Water Polo in addition to USA Swimming, was added to the SafeSport database under a temporary restriction for allegations of misconduct.
Based out of Portage, Michigan, Russell formerly coached for Southwest Y Michigan Swimming in Kalamazoo, including coaching 14-time world champion (LC and SC combined) Mallory Comerford.
I and many of my friends and my sister had Jeff as a coach for many years in the 1980’s & 1990’s. He was doing the same shit then and should have been banned LONG ago.
Without a doubt Russell should have been suspended permanently years ago. Efforts were made then to get him fired from a public high school in the 1990’s. However, he had ingratiated himself with some of the influential and most of the swimmers on the boy’s teams–apparently they even spent time together socializing and drinking beer the fathers and/or he provided.
At that time, Russell regularly made demeaning and/or sexual comments about female swimmers’ bodies, showed blatant favoritism to those mentioned above who sought special favor and was verbally abusive to those who saw him for who he is. This was 40 years ago. I can only imagine how many young people have been negatively affected by him in the… Read more »
Safesport is worthless. They take too long to suspend actual guilty parties. Meanwhile they leave falsely accused parties (with no criminal charges or evidence of wrongdoing after investigations have been completed) lives and careers in limbo for YEARS. Are other countries doing a better job at this?
Safesport is a joke!! Why isn’t he permanently banned??
Unless you sexually abuse or seriously physically injure someone or commit a major crime a permanent ban is likely not a considered punishment.
Even when it’s sexual assault it takes years for them to conduct an investigation. Going on 4 years now for one athlete with no end in sight.