ASU Assistant Herbie Behm Breaks Down How Entire Team Handled Red-Shirt Year

In the SwimSwam Podcast dive deeper into the sport you love with insider conversations about swimming. Hosted by Coleman HodgesGarrett McCaffrey, and Gold Medal Mel Stewart, SwimSwam welcomes both the biggest names in swimming that you already know, and rising stars that you need to get to know, as we break down the past, present, and future of aquatic sports.

Garrett McCaffrey sat down with Herbie Behm, the assistant coach at Arizona State. Behm talks about how the year went for Arizona State after head coach Bob Bowman made the decision to red-shirt the entire team. Behm said for the most part it went quite smoothly, getting a long block to focus on both long course and putting good work in during training heading into Olympic Trials.


Music: Otis McDonald


Opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of the interviewed guests do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of the hosts, SwimSwam Partners, LLC and/or SwimSwam advertising partners.

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3 years ago

Herbie is the man!

3 years ago

I wish ASU would see the light and get rid of Bowman. Herbie would do a much better job as head coach.

Coach Macgyver
Reply to  Guerra
3 years ago

Could you pump the breaks on continuously going after people’s jobs?

3 years ago

Regardless of how you spin this…..ASU fell for the panic and fear #excuseforbob. Thankfully the rest of the PAC-12 did not follow and lead with courage.

3 years ago

I wonder how many of the comments listened to the podcast and actually took note of what was being said. There’s a lot more quality information in this interview than whether ASU was correct in redshirting or not.

I personally love seeing how different coaches implement training modalities. Herbie is definitely the whole package and any program is lucky to have him.

Last edited 3 years ago by Yeahok
SwimSwam Loving Diving Coach
Reply to  Yeahok
3 years ago

As a Diving Coach that knows Herbie and used to work with him, I love how he looks at the movement of athletes of other sports and is constantly learning and evolving as a coach in order to push the envelope of what athletes can do.

Sean Justice
3 years ago

One set, as a distance swimmer, I think that I really benefitted from was this one (LCM)
2×100 Ez
4×100 Hard
2×100 Ez
3×100 Hard
2×100 Ez
2×100 Hard
2×100 Ez
1×100 Hard
1×100 Ez
1×100 Hard
1×100 Ez
2×100 Hard
1×100 Ez
3×100 Hard
1×100 Ez
4×100 Hard
all on 1:40

All the hards where at max HR and it really simulated a hard 1500. It help condition me on what swimming at a pace would feel like.

The Cap Police
3 years ago


3 years ago

I wonder if there was a point where could have changed their mind about red shirting

Reply to  Xman
3 years ago

Probably start of second semester? Just a guess

Mr Piano
3 years ago

Bruh they missed out on a lot of fun, trying to act like it wasn’t a mistake to do that lmao

About Garrett McCaffrey

No one lives the sport of swimming like Garrett McCaffrey. A Division I swimmer who spent 4 years covering the sport as a journalist, now coaches club swimming and competes as a masters swimmer, Garrett truly lives the sport of swimming. After graduating from University of Missouri’s award winning journalism program …

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