2023 Men’s NCAA D1 Swimming and Diving Championships Box Score


First a few notes

  • The highest scoring class was the Junior class from Texas with 127 individual points. They were followed by the Junior class from California with 114.
  • California return the most individual points with 193 returning. Texas are next best with 190.
  • The most points any team had in a single event was Indiana with 51 in the 3 mtr Diving. Next best was Arizona State with 47 in the 200 Free.
  • The best individual swim in a final according to Swimulator power points was Youssef Ramadan a JR from Virginia Tech with a 43.15 in the 100 Fly. Next best (barely, both of these were well over 1000 points) was Leon Marchand‘s 1:36.34 200 IM

Final Scores

Team Total Individual Swimming Points Relay Points Diving Points Scoring Individual Count Scoring Relay Count Scoring Diving Count
1 California 482 321 158 3 26 5 1
2 Arizona State 430 270 160 0 26 5 0
3 Texas 384 216 124 44 19 5 7
4 Indiana 379 139 136 104 11 5 6
5 NC State 373.5 215.5 158 0 21 5 0
6 Florida 367.5 173 180 14.5 20 5 2
7 Tennessee 216.5 78.5 106 32 10 4 3
8 Stanford 143.5 43.5 78 22 6 5 2
9 Virginia Tech 133 59 68 6 5 4 1
10 Auburn 127 39 82 6 7 5 1
11 Ohio State 112 32.5 8 71.5 4 3 7
12 Georgia 96 70 26 0 6 3 0
13 Louisville 92 26 66 0 3 4 0
14 Texas A&M 80 32 16 32 4 3 4
15 Virginia 78 8 70 0 2 4 0
16 Missouri 62.5 34.5 28 0 4 3 0
17 LSU 62.5 43.5 0 19 3 0 3
18 Notre Dame 62 52 10 0 7 1 0
19 Alabama 57 21 36 0 4 3 0
20 Michigan 37 17 20 0 3 4 0
21 Minnesota 36 36 0 0 2 0 0
22 USC 31 0 0 31 0 0 2
23 Wisconsin 27 19 8 0 2 2 0
24 UNC 27 3 0 24 1 0 2
25 Miami 27 0 0 27 0 0 3
26 South Carolina 15 0 0 15 0 0 1
27 Utah 14 14 0 0 1 0 0
28 Princeton 13 13 0 0 2 0 0
29 SIUC 13 13 0 0 2 0 0
30 Kentucky 13 13 0 0 1 0 0
31 Columbia 12 0 0 12 0 0 1
32 Arizona 11 0 10 1 0 1 1
33 Pittsburgh 4 1 2 1 1 1 1
34 Penn State 4 4 0 0 1 0 0
35 Georgia Tech 3 3 0 0 1 0 0
36 Air Force 2 2 0 0 1 0 0
37 Towson 2 2 0 0 1 0 0
38 Purdue 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

Individual Scores by Year

Returning points are calculated as Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior points + points for athletes with no year listed

California Arizona State Texas Indiana NC State Florida Tennessee Stanford Virginia Tech Auburn
FR 3 81 23 0 0 73 27 0 0 0
SO 76 97 40 95 56.5 20 49.5 39.5 0 13
JR 114 0 127 30 37 40 30 26 59 12
SR 50 62 68 83 111 37.5 0 0 6 20
GS 81 30 2 35 11 17 4 0 0 0
Returning 193 178 190 125 93.5 133 106.5 65.5 59 25
Ohio State Georgia Louisville Texas A&M Virginia Missouri LSU Notre Dame Alabama Michigan
FR 0 0 0 21 0 0 9 10 0 0
SO 25 0 0 15 0 0 10 16 1 16
JR 32.5 32 0 17 5 0 0 0 0 0
SR 46.5 38 26 11 3 5.5 43.5 26 18 0
GS 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 2 1
Returning 57.5 32 0 53 5 0 19 26 1 16
Minnesota USC Wisconsin UNC Miami South Carolina Utah Princeton SIUC Kentucky
FR 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 13 13
SO 0 31 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0
JR 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SR 0 0 0 24 16 15 14 13 0 0
GS 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Returning 0 31 19 3 11 0 0 0 13 13
Columbia Arizona Pittsburgh Penn State Georgia Tech Air Force Towson Purdue
FR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SO 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1
JR 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0
SR 12 1 2 0 0 2 0 0
GS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Returning 0 0 0 4 3 0 2 1

Score Progression

What the score was after each event

California Arizona State Texas Indiana NC State Florida Tennessee Stanford Virginia Tech Auburn Ohio State Georgia Louisville Texas A&M Virginia Missouri LSU Notre Dame Alabama Michigan Minnesota USC Wisconsin UNC Miami South Carolina Utah Princeton SIUC Kentucky Columbia Arizona Pittsburgh Penn State Georgia Tech Air Force Towson Purdue
200 Medley Relay 30 34 10 28 40 32 26 14 0 18 2 8 24 6 22 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
800 Free Relay 62 68 50 58 66 60 26 38 8 40 2 20 42 8 22 6 0 10 26 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
500 Free 84 72 93 58 83 85 26 38 8 43 2 36 42 8 22 6 0 17 26 4 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
200 IM 117 114 122 58 101 86 26 52 10 43 2 36 42 20 22 6 0 17 26 4 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
50 Free 150 126 122 64 119.5 103 57 52 24 43 4.5 36 43 20 27 6 15 17 26 4 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
1 mtr Diving 150 126 141 81 119.5 105 57 68 30 43 29.5 36 43 44 27 6 22 17 26 4 0 14 19 15 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0
200 Free Relay 184 154 165 99 151.5 145 87 74 52 57 31.5 36 55 44 53 10 22 17 26 12 0 14 19 15 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 1 0 3 0 0 0
400 IM 215 198 204 99 151.5 151 89 74 52 57 31.5 49 55 51 53 10 22 22 26 13 0 14 23 18 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 1 0 3 0 0 0
100 Fly 222 198 204 124 193.5 168 103 90 72 57 31.5 49 55 53 53 13 22 22 26 18 0 14 23 18 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 1 4 3 0 0 0
200 Free 239 245 235 128 193.5 175 103 95 72 57 34.5 49 55 53 53 27 37 31 27 18 0 14 23 18 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 1 4 3 2 0 0
100 Breast 264 245 250 154 193.5 196 103 100.5 72 64 34.5 49 71 53 53 32.5 37 31 38 18 20 14 23 18 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 2 4 3 2 2 0
100 Back 287 270 250 174 216.5 211 105 100.5 72 80 34.5 53 71 53 53 32.5 37 34 38 18 20 14 23 18 9 0 14 4 9 0 0 10 2 4 3 2 2 1
3 mtr Diving 287 270 270 225 216.5 211 118 100.5 72 86 54.5 53 71 57 53 32.5 40 34 38 18 20 31 23 27 9 0 14 4 9 0 12 10 2 4 3 2 2 1
400 Medley Relay 315 302 292 259 246.5 251 144 112.5 96 96 54.5 53 71 65 67 50.5 40 34 38 24 20 31 27 27 9 0 14 4 9 0 12 10 4 4 3 2 2 1
1650 Free 324 316 311 259 289.5 264 144 112.5 96 96 66.5 69 71 65 67 50.5 40 48 40 24 20 31 27 27 9 0 14 4 9 13 12 10 4 4 3 2 2 1
200 Back 367 346 322 259 302.5 264 146 115.5 96 105 66.5 90 71 65 67 62.5 40 55 40 24 20 31 27 27 9 0 14 4 13 13 12 10 4 4 3 2 2 1
100 Free 400 358 324 271 302.5 291 168.5 115.5 107 105 81.5 90 71 65 67 62.5 53.5 62 40 24 20 31 27 27 9 0 14 4 13 13 12 10 4 4 3 2 2 1
200 Breast 414 384 346 286 304.5 308 172.5 115.5 119 105 81.5 90 80 76 67 62.5 53.5 62 47 24 36 31 27 27 9 0 14 4 13 13 12 10 4 4 3 2 2 1
200 Fly 445 398 351 317 343.5 315 173.5 115.5 119 109 81.5 90 80 76 70 62.5 53.5 62 47 35 36 31 27 27 9 0 14 13 13 13 12 10 4 4 3 2 2 1
Platform Diving 448 398 356 353 343.5 327.5 192.5 121.5 119 109 108 90 80 80 70 62.5 62.5 62 47 35 36 31 27 27 27 15 14 13 13 13 12 11 4 4 3 2 2 1
400 Free Relay 482 430 384 379 373.5 367.5 216.5 143.5 133 127 112 96 92 80 78 62.5 62.5 62 57 37 36 31 27 27 27 15 14 13 13 13 12 11 4 4 3 2 2 1

Points in Each Event

What each team scored in each event. Points in () are returning points defined as points from swimmers who are not SRs or 5th Years

California Arizona State Texas Indiana NC State Florida Tennessee Stanford Virginia Tech Auburn Ohio State Georgia Louisville Texas A&M Virginia Missouri LSU Notre Dame Alabama Michigan Minnesota USC Wisconsin UNC Miami South Carolina Utah Princeton SIUC Kentucky Columbia Arizona Pittsburgh Penn State Georgia Tech Air Force Towson Purdue
200 Medley Relay 30 34 10 28 40 32 26 14 18 2 8 24 6 22 12 4
800 Free Relay 32 34 40 30 26 28 24 8 22 12 18 2 6 10 14 4
500 Free 22 (13) 4 (0) 43 (43) 17 (5) 25 (14) 3 (3) 16 (16) 7 (0) 15 (15) 3 (3)
200 IM 33 (17) 42 (33) 29 (15) 18 (13) 1 (1) 14 (14) 2 (2) 12 (12) 4 (0)
50 Free 33 (29) 12 (0) 6 (0) 18.5 (2.5) 17 (17) 31 (31) 14 (14) 2.5 (2.5) 1 (0) 5 (5) 15 (0)
1 mtr Diving 19 (19) 17 (0) 2 (0) 16 (16) 6 (0) 25 (5) 24 (24) 7 (7) 14 (14) 15 (0) 9 (0) 1 (0)
200 Free Relay 34 28 24 18 32 40 30 6 22 14 2 12 26 4 8 10
400 IM 31 (0) 44 (44) 39 (27) 6 (6) 2 (2) 13 (0) 7 (7) 5 (0) 1 (0) 4 (4) 3 (3)
100 Fly 7 (7) 25 (16) 42 (19) 17 (17) 14 (14) 16 (16) 20 (20) 2 (2) 3 (0) 5 (5) 4 (4)
200 Free 17 (17) 47 (12) 31 (31) 4 (4) 7 (7) 5 (5) 3 (3) 14 (0) 15 (0) 9 (9) 1 (1) 2 (0)
100 Breast 25 (0) 15 (0) 26 (9) 21 (7) 5.5 (5.5) 7 (7) 16 (0) 5.5 (0) 11 (0) 20 (0) 1 (0) 2 (2)
100 Back 23 (23) 25 (13) 20 (0) 23 (0) 15 (15) 2 (2) 16 (11) 4 (0) 3 (3) 14 (0) 9 (9) 1 (1)
3 mtr Diving 20 (20) 51 (31) 13 (13) 6 (0) 20 (6) 4 (4) 3 (3) 17 (17) 9 (0) 12 (0)
400 Medley Relay 28 32 22 34 30 40 26 12 24 10 8 14 18 6 4 2
1650 Free 9 (0) 14 (14) 19 (19) 43 (26) 13 (1) 12 (12) 16 (16) 14 (0) 2 (0) 13 (13)
200 Back 43 (20) 30 (30) 11 (11) 13 (0) 2 (2) 3 (3) 9 (0) 21 (0) 12 (0) 7 (7) 4 (4)
100 Free 33 (33) 12 (6) 2 (0) 12 (0) 27 (27) 22.5 (22.5) 11 (11) 15 (15) 13.5 (0) 7 (7)
200 Breast 14 (0) 26 (26) 22 (0) 15 (15) 2 (2) 17 (14) 4 (0) 12 (12) 9 (0) 11 (0) 7 (0) 16 (0)
200 Fly 31 (31) 14 (0) 5 (0) 31 (14) 39 (26) 7 (7) 1 (1) 4 (4) 3 (0) 11 (11) 9 (0)
Platform Diving 3 (3) 5 (5) 36 (36) 12.5 (0) 19 (19) 6 (6) 26.5 (14) 4 (4) 9 (9) 18 (11) 15 (0) 1 (0)
400 Free Relay 34 32 28 26 30 40 24 22 14 18 4 6 12 8 10 2

Individual Breakdown

Power are Swimulator power points. Those are a way to quantify time quality independent of what event the time is from. Includes only final times and final dive scores.


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Lasco, Destin JR 53 200 IM 2 1:38.1 959 100 Back 3 43.94 892 200 Back 1 1:35.87 913
Gonzalez, Hugo 5Y 50 200 IM 3 1:39.00 915 400 IM 2 3:34.66 873 200 Back 2 1:36.72 877
Jett, Gabriel SO 46 500 Free 6 4:12.52 799 200 Free 2 1:30.74 908 200 Fly 3 1:39.4 852
Seeliger, Bjorn JR 39 50 Free 3 18.67 906 100 Back 10 45.0 798 100 Free 3 40.93 945
Alexy, Jack SO 30 50 Free 6 18.87 856 100 Free 2 40.92 946
Louser, Jason SR 27 400 IM 5 3:38.69 791 200 Breast 6 1:50.9 829
Rose, Dare JR 22 100 Fly 10 44.75 863 200 Fly 4 1:39.89 831
Henveaux, Lucas 5Y 18 500 Free 9 4:10.50 838 1650 Free 9 14:44.14 712
Bell, Liam SR 17 50 Free 13 18.96 835 100 Breast 6 50.88 863
Whitley, Reece 5Y 13 100 Breast 7 51.04 848 200 Breast 16 1:52.93 761
Mefford, Colby SR 5 200 Back 12 1:39.88 757
Thai, Joshua FR 3 Platform Diving 14 337.55
Somerset, Sebastian SR 1 200 Back 16 1:41.91 690

Arizona State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Marchand, Leon SO 60 200 IM 1 1:36.34 1053 400 IM 1 3:28.82 1013 200 Breast 1 1:46.91 989
Kos, Hubert FR 37 200 IM 11 1:41.61 802 400 IM 4 3:37.00 824 200 Back 3 1:37.96 827
House, Grant 5Y 30 200 IM 9 1:41.35 813 200 Free 3 1:31.12 885 100 Free 12 41.9 826
McDonald, Owen FR 27 100 Back 6 44.85 810 200 Back 5 1:39.34 776
Dolan, Jack SR 25 50 Free 7 19.15 794 100 Back 7 44.93 803 100 Free 16 42.56 757
Schlicht, David SO 22 200 IM 10 1:41.50 807 400 IM 9 3:38.03 804 200 Breast 11 1:51.81 797
Hill, Julian SR 13 200 Free 6 1:32.25 823 1650 Free 33 15:08.91 594
Colson, Alexander SR 12 200 Fly 7 1:41.38 771
Sammon, Patrick SO 12 200 Free 7 1:32.61 804
Gray, Andrew SR 12 500 Free 13 4:14.61 761 200 Free 11 1:32.47 811 200 Fly 15 1:42.94 714
Sarkany, Zalan FR 11 1650 Free 8 14:42.8 718
Kulow, Jonny FR 6 100 Free 11 41.66 853
Matheson, Daniel SO 3 1650 Free 14 14:48.21 693


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Johnston, David JR 43 500 Free 2 4:08.79 873 400 IM 8 3:40.1 765 1650 Free 4 14:35.51 754
Foster, Carson JR 42 200 IM 4 1:39.93 872 400 IM 3 3:36.02 844 200 Back 8 1:39.48 771
Hobson, Luke SO 40 500 Free 1 4:07.37 904 200 Free 1 1:30.43 927
Corbeau, Caspar SR 35 200 IM 14 1:42.33 775 100 Breast 4 50.79 871 200 Breast 2 1:49.15 894
Foster, Jake SR 28 200 IM 8 1:41.03 826 400 IM 7 3:40.03 766 200 Breast 12 1:51.85 796
Duperre, Noah JR 20 1 mtr Diving 13 357.1 3 mtr Diving 8 383.8 Platform Diving 12 352.55
Harris, Nicholas FR 19 1 mtr Diving 7 381.8 3 mtr Diving 10 406.45
Carrozza, Coby JR 17 500 Free 11 4:13.95 773 200 Free 8 1:32.67 801
Artmann, Sam SR 5 200 Fly 12 1:42.32 736
McCourt, Brendan JR 5 1 mtr Diving 14 348.75 3 mtr Diving 15 388.4
Enyeart, Alec FR 4 1650 Free 13 14:47.13 698
Krueger, Danny 5Y 2 100 Free 15 42.22 792
Zettle, Alex 5Y 0 1650 Free 26 14:56.36 654


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Burns, Brendan SR 46 100 Fly 9 44.6 879 100 Back 1 43.61 925 200 Fly 2 1:38.97 871
Capobianco, Andrew SR 37 1 mtr Diving 2 439.45 3 mtr Diving 1 522.6
Tyler, Carson SO 35 3 mtr Diving 4 415.5 Platform Diving 1 476.3
Mathias, Van 5Y 35 50 Free 11 18.91 846 100 Breast 2 50.6 889 100 Free 7 41.39 886
Henninger, Quentin SO 32 3 mtr Diving 3 425.4 Platform Diving 3 408.6
Frankel, Tomer JR 30 100 Fly 3 44.04 943 200 Fly 5 1:40.34 812
Matheny, Josh SO 24 100 Breast 9 50.99 853 200 Breast 4 1:50.12 857
Miroslaw, Rafael SO 4 200 Free 13 1:32.65 802

NC State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Stokowski, Kacper SR 41 100 Fly 8 48.27 557 100 Back 2 43.86 900 200 Back 6 1:39.35 775
Hayes, Aiden SO 33 100 Fly 6 44.35 907 200 Fly 1 1:38.79 880
Dant, Ross SR 29 500 Free 7 4:12.59 797 1650 Free 2 14:30.32 781
Gallant, Will JR 25 500 Free 12 4:13.98 772 1650 Free 1 14:28.94 788
Korstanje, Nyls SR 21 50 Free 9 18.74 891 100 Fly 7 44.86 852
Bustos, Arsenio SO 21 200 IM 6 1:40.63 842 100 Fly 11 44.89 849 200 Breast 15 1:52.29 781
Bowers, Noah SR 13 200 Fly 6 1:40.85 792
Izzo, Giovanni 5Y 11 200 IM 12 1:41.65 801 100 Back 11 45.03 795
Henderson, Noah SR 7 50 Free 10 18.89 851
Miller, Luke JR 6 200 Fly 11 1:42.12 743
Lloyd, Owen JR 6 1650 Free 11 14:46.16 702
Curtiss, David SO 2.5 50 Free 14 19.1 803
Plage, James JR 0 1650 Free 18 14:49.02 689


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Liendo, Josh FR 54 50 Free 2 18.4 983 100 Fly 2 43.4 1023 100 Free 1 40.28 1038
Mitchell, Jake JR 21 500 Free 5 4:10.54 837 200 Free 10 1:32.36 817 1650 Free 22 14:52.82 671
Chaney, Adam JR 19 100 Back 4 44.42 847 100 Free 13 41.93 823
Savickas, Aleksas FR 18 100 Breast 13 51.44 813 200 Breast 5 1:50.48 844
Mestre, Alfonso SR 18 500 Free 8 4:12.62 797 1650 Free 10 14:44.50 710
Hillis, Dillon 5Y 17 100 Breast 5 50.8 870 200 Breast 14 1:52.1 788
Garcia, Leonardo SR 14.5 1 mtr Diving 15 328.15 Platform Diving 6 366.35
Gonzalez Pinero, Joaq SO 7 200 Fly 10 1:41.62 762
Laur, Mason SO 6 400 IM 11 3:40.77 753
Watson, Tyler SR 5 1650 Free 12 14:46.27 702
Smith, Julian SO 4 200 IM 16 1:42.79 758 100 Breast 14 51.45 812
McDuff, Macguire SO 3 100 Free 14 41.97 818
Linscheer, Gio FR 1 1650 Free 16 14:48.63 691
Lindholm, Oskar SO 0 1650 Free 30 15:02.26 626
Brown, Eric FR 0 1650 Free 19 14:49.52 686


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Crooks, Jordan SO 47.5 50 Free 1 18.32 1004 100 Fly 5 44.29 914 100 Free 5 41.03 932
Hattie, Bryden JR 30 3 mtr Diving 6 395.9 Platform Diving 2 455.1
Santos, Guilherme FR 20 50 Free 8 19.16 790 100 Free 9 41.54 868
Epitropov, Lyubomir 5Y 4 200 Breast 13 1:52.01 791
Simons, Nick FR 4 100 Back 15 45.45 762 200 Back 15 1:40.78 726
Stone, Nicholas FR 2 Platform Diving 15 332.0
Driggers, Landon SO 2 400 IM 15 3:42.31 726
Espernberger, Martin FR 1 200 Fly 16 1:43.21 704
Little, Jack SR 0 1650 Free 31 15:03.11 622


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Polonsky, Ron SO 19.5 200 IM 5 1:40.62 843 100 Breast 11 51.41 816
Ryan, Jack SO 16 1 mtr Diving 3 429.45
Minakov, Andrei JR 15 100 Fly 4 44.27 916
Foster, Ethan JR 6 Platform Diving 11 376.5
Maurer, Luke JR 5 200 Free 12 1:32.54 808
Sequeira, Aaron SO 4 100 Fly 16 45.56 784 200 Back 14 1:40.66 730
Machado, Gabe SO 0 1650 Free 27 14:57.24 650

Virginia Tech

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Ramadan, Youssef JR 45 50 Free 5 18.82 868 100 Fly 1 43.15 1057 100 Free 8 41.61 859
Coll Marti, Carles JR 14 200 IM 15 1:42.56 766 200 Breast 7 1:51.20 818
Zawadzki, Noah SR 6 1 mtr Diving 11 373.5


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Stoffle, Aidan SR 14 100 Back 12 45.09 790 200 Back 9 1:39.3 777
Stoffle, Nate SO 11 100 Back 8 45.38 767
Mikuta, Reid JR 7 100 Breast 10 51.06 846
Pruitt, Conner SR 6 3 mtr Diving 11 400.8
McInerny, Evan JR 4 200 Fly 13 1:42.35 735
Mathias, Mason SO 2 500 Free 15 4:15.25 750 1650 Free 17 14:48.92 689
Bonson, Michael JR 1 500 Free 16 4:15.35 748 1650 Free 32 15:06.81 604
Davis, Grant SO 0 1650 Free 29 15:00.21 636

Ohio State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Yost, Lyle SR 46.5 1 mtr Diving 1 443.95 3 mtr Diving 5 408.5 Platform Diving 6 366.35
Gaziev, Ruslan JR 20.5 50 Free 14 19.1 803 200 Free 14 1:32.85 792 100 Free 4 40.98 938
Chaplin, Clayton SO 15 3 mtr Diving 16 366.2 Platform Diving 5 393.55
Clark, Charlie JR 12 1650 Free 7 14:41.43 725
Matthews, Jack SO 10 1 mtr Diving 12 358.2 3 mtr Diving 12 399.1
Edmund, Mason FR 0 1650 Free 28 14:57.58 649


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Magahey, Jake JR 32 500 Free 3 4:09.24 864 1650 Free 3 14:33.82 763
Grum, Ian SR 28 400 IM 6 3:38.99 785 200 Back 4 1:38.47 807
Dunham, Bradley SR 10 100 Back 13 45.22 780 200 Back 11 1:39.86 757


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Petrashov, Denis SR 25 100 Breast 3 50.78 872 200 Breast 9 1:51.23 817
Elaraby, Abdelrahman SR 1 50 Free 16 19.3 761

Texas A&M

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Nelson, Baylor FR 19 200 IM 7 1:40.88 832 400 IM 10 3:38.11 802
Povzner, Victor JR 17 1 mtr Diving 6 390.0 3 mtr Diving 13 398.05
Puente Bustamante, An SR 11 200 Breast 8 1:51.66 802
Bottego, Allen SO 11 1 mtr Diving 8 330.5
Hensley, Rhett SO 4 Platform Diving 13 345.55
Foote, Connor FR 2 100 Fly 15 45.41 798


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Brownstead, Matt JR 5 50 Free 12 18.92 844
Fong, Josh SR 3 200 Fly 14 1:42.75 721


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Dahlgren, Jack 5Y 26 200 Free 5 1:32.00 836 200 Back 7 1:39.45 772
Patton, Ben SR 5.5 100 Breast 11 51.41 816
Secchi, Clement 5Y 3 100 Fly 14 45.24 814


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Curry, Brooks SR 43.5 50 Free 4 18.76 883 200 Free 4 1:31.3 875 100 Free 5 41.03 932
Abadia Garcia, Adrian SO 10 1 mtr Diving 10 376.15 3 mtr Diving 14 392.0
Paul, Carson FR 9 Platform Diving 9 427.05

Notre Dame

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Hoagland, Jack SR 26 500 Free 10 4:12.49 799 400 IM 12 3:40.82 752 1650 Free 5 14:38.64 738
Guiliano, Chris SO 16 200 Free 9 1:32.31 820 100 Free 10 41.64 856
Janton, Tommy FR 10 100 Back 14 45.43 763 200 Back 10 1:39.45 772


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Maas, Derek SR 18 100 Breast 8 51.23 831 200 Breast 10 1:51.53 807
Johansson, Victor 5Y 2 1650 Free 15 14:48.42 692
Hawke, Charlie SO 1 200 Free 16 1:33.27 772


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Cohen Groumi, Gal SO 16 100 Fly 12 44.98 840 200 Fly 8 1:42.37 734
Daigle, Jared 5Y 1 400 IM 16 3:42.4 724


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
McHugh, Max 5Y 36 100 Breast 1 50.0 950 200 Breast 3 1:49.91 865
Soloveychik, Bar SO 0 1650 Free 23 14:54.37 664
Nagy, Chris JR 0 1650 Free 21 14:52.43 673


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Wang, Shangfei SO 31 1 mtr Diving 5 391.7 3 mtr Diving 2 448.3


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Newmark, Jake JR 15 500 Free 4 4:10.12 845
Torok, Dominik Mark FR 4 400 IM 13 3:41.35 742


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Down Jenkins, Anton SR 24 1 mtr Diving 4 398.45 3 mtr Diving 9 430.95
Dramm, Louis FR 3 400 IM 14 3:41.45 741


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Flory, Maxwell SR 16 1 mtr Diving 9 384.95 Platform Diving 10 395.6
Farouk, Mohamed SO 11 Platform Diving 8 339.7

South Carolina

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Vazquez, Emanuel SR 15 Platform Diving 4 402.2


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Ungur, Andrei SR 14 100 Back 5 44.58 833


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Khosla, Raunak SR 13 200 IM 13 1:41.69 799 200 Fly 9 1:40.94 788


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Van Renen, Ruard FR 13 100 Back 9 44.67 825 200 Back 13 1:40.22 745


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Sandidge, Levi FR 13 1650 Free 6 14:40.05 732
Caruso, Nick SO 0 1650 Free 24 14:55.22 660


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Suckow, Jonathan SR 12 3 mtr Diving 7 388.3


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Markentin, Bjorn SR 1 Platform Diving 16 308.3


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Van Der Laan, Cooper SR 1 100 Breast 16 51.72 790
Reed, Dylan SR 1 1 mtr Diving 16 322.1

Penn State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Baganha, Victor SO 4 100 Fly 13 45.04 834

Georgia Tech

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Unlu, Baturalp JR 3 500 Free 14 4:14.74 759
Kilavuz, Mert SO 0 1650 Free 20 14:51.01 679

Air Force

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Zhang, Wen SR 2 200 Free 15 1:32.87 791


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Benzing, Brian JR 2 100 Breast 15 51.48 810


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Samuels, Brady SO 1 100 Back 16 45.5 758

Florida St

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Yanchev, Yordan JR 0 1650 Free 25 14:56.18 655


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Millard, Noah SO 0 1650 Free 34 15:10.33 587

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1 year ago

Why are some 0 scorers included, but not others? At quick glance I see several missing. Not that it matters, just wondering the rationale…

Last edited 1 year ago by HereToCheer
Reply to  Andrew Mering
1 year ago

Makes perfect sense. Thanks so much for the response.

1 year ago

Cal finally scores some diving points. Check the bio of Cal’s new diving coach, Pei Lin. I think there’s more points to come in the future.

1 year ago

Calafraudia Baby Bears


1 year ago

Great swims, but how does the Marchand 400 IM not score higher than Ramadan’s 100 fly? That makes no sense to me.

Swim Alchemist
1 year ago

Biggest thing that stands out to me is that Indiana only had six swimmers score individually.

Reply to  Swim Alchemist
1 year ago

It appears that Indiana had the most even contributions out of all the teams across individual swims, relays and diving

Reply to  Swimmerparent
1 year ago

There are 13 individual swimming events, 5 double scoring relays and just 3 diving events. An even contribution would be roughly 4:3:1. Indiana clearly got much more points from diving than “even” (As expected).

IU Swammer
Reply to  Swim Alchemist
1 year ago

That’s the way it was a few years back when Indiana was leading going into the last day of the meet. Pretty sure we only had 8 swimmers at the meet.

Reply to  Swim Alchemist
1 year ago

We put more resources into diving, it should be that way. If it wasn’t we wouldn’t be top 10.

Unknown Swammer
Reply to  Swim Alchemist
1 year ago

Lot of A finalists but not much depth, points per swimmer is very high!