10 Tips for Swimming Alone

Lindsey Fano
by Lindsey Fano 6

April 04th, 2016 News

By Lindsey Fano

Swimming alone can be one of the hardest, most frustrating things to do. It can also be extremely rewarding. Here are some ways to make it better.

1. Actually write a practice.

This will help you use your time efficiently and make it worthwhile to get in the water. Plus you can mentally prepare yourself ahead of time.

2. Force yourself to jump in the water as soon as you get to the pool.

Standing around always makes it harder and harder to get in especially when you don’t have a coach making sure you do.

3. Listen to good music before you start your workout.

Swimming alone means no one to talk to between sets; it’s just you and your brain. Try to find a catchy song to sing to yourself to help with the potential boredom.

4. Mix up your practices.

The best part of swimming alone is you can use fins WHENEVER YOU WANT. Use all your equipment, swim all four strokes, change distances, keep it interesting.

5. Use positive self-talk.

There’s no one to rely on for a cheery, positive attitude during sets except yourself. It’s surprising how a few positive thoughts can change the whole outcome of your workout.

6. Make friends with the pool regulars.

See the same lady swimming every day? Say hello! Swimming has the power to form bonds and who knows, maybe you’ll make a new friend.

7. Watch an inspirational swim clip.

I don’t know about you but after watching the Beijing 4×100 freestyle relay or Michael Phelps’ new commercial, I have a new motivation to start swimming. Find what works for you and watch it on the days that are particularly hard to get yourself to the pool.

8. Have someone you can talk to about your swim.

Maybe you want to brag about hitting a best time or share a cool set you thought up, no matter what you’re thinking it’s nice to be able to share it with someone (even if they aren’t a swimmer and have no idea what you’re saying).

9. Be patient.

Swimming is a hard sport, sometimes it’s made even harder when you’re on your own. Not every swim is going to be an amazing one. If you’re having an off day, try focusing on a small aspect of your swimming that you can control and forget about the rest.

10. Remember why you’re there.

There are a million ways to workout but for some reason you chose the pool. By choosing to swim you are choosing to make yourself healthier, stronger, and hopefully happier. Find your motivation and let it drive you.

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6 years ago

oh yes there’s nothing like a swim at Paradise Bay the water is deep blue and really beautiful

Matthew Gross
7 years ago

Swimming alone is extremely dangerous unless a certified lifeguard is on duty. A smart swimmer always has a buddy swimming along or watching. Only a fool, no matter how experienced a swimmer they are should never swim alone and/or unsupervised..

8 years ago

I might add–If I’m feeling unmotivated, I promise myself to at least do an easy swim. I almost always end up feeling better than I expected, and having a decent workout.

8 years ago

Having fun and not feeling it is a chore,for me is longevity in swimming.Once at the pool in toggs there is no turning back.It’s definitely not a lone sport and conversation between laps,can lead to a technic change,learning about new training aids.Swimming alone is self disciplined and great!

8 years ago

I agree with all ten. As a Masters’ swimmer with 3 and 6 year olds, I have to train when my boys are in school which means swimming alone. I kind of relish it now because I can focus on my own oddball events and only bust out 100 free sets occasionally???? I would add a number 11: Form a Habit. Sometimes when the chips are down and I’m too exhausted to think, my habit of swimming right after I drop the boys off at school is the only thing that gets me there. Even if I’m spend going into it, I can convince myself to focus on technique or turns or some other detail. I always feel better afterwards.

Tim Root
8 years ago

Do what works for you. I train by myself, without a coach any more, for open water swings in a 25 yard pool. Your tips are great, but some of them don’t work for me. I prefer to listen to podcasts on my drive to the pool. Many prefer music. Neither approach is wrong.

Your last two, though, are spot on, and I couldn’t agree with them any more.

About Lindsey Fano

Lindsey Fano

Background Lindsey started swimming on a summer club at the age of 6. Despite numerous attempts to persuade her to join a club team, she continued with the same summer league team for 13 years. Until high school, swimming was a small part of her life and she did it mainly …

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