USC Coach Dave Salo talks USRPT, coaching philosophy on Ritter Sports Podcast

Dr. Dave Salohead coach at the University of Southern California, appeared on the Ritter Sports Performance Podcast this week to talk about everything from coaching philosophy to his take on the much-discussed Ultra-Short Race-Pace Training.

The podcast is hosted by Chris Ritterwho runs RITTER Sports Performance, a website devoted to personal training. Ritter has also written a book on strength training specifically geared for swimming (Surge Strength).

Ritter talks to Salo, a well-respected club, collegiate and professional coach best-known for his cutting-edge sprint training. Salo shares about his coaching philosophy and the more quality-based, race-pace training he uses at USC that contrasts greatly with some of the extremely high-volume philosophies governing many other successful high-level programs. Salo is well-known for his work with such athletes as Rebecca Soni, Jessica Hardy and Vlad Morozov.

Perhaps of most interest to SwimSwam’s reader-base (judging by the number of commenters discussing it on a regular basis) is Salo’s analysis of USRPT, or Ultra-Short Race-Pace Training. Salo gives his take on some advantages of USRPT, but also talks about some areas where he diverges from USRPT guru Brent Rushall in thinking.

That’s just a taste of the interview, which fills two solid podcasts. Part 1 is embedded below, and you can find Part 2 at by following this link. The website also has links to Salo’s coaching books as well as more details on his coaching career.

Podcast courtesy of Chris Ritter and RITTER Sports Performance. You can find the podcast and subscribe on iTunes here.

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11 years ago

The DJ-spin sound effect is the most annoying thing in the freaking world.

11 years ago

I really wish he was my college coach… after listening to all of that… its just crazy. I spent four miserable years getting beaten down and I always tried my hardest but I feel like so much of it was wasted energy.

11 years ago

Thank you very much for this interview! It is outstanding. I really enjoy interviews of this nature that are more technical. Keep up the good work.

Reply to  mikeh
11 years ago

Thanks MIKEH!

11 years ago

Great stuff! Take the 70 minutes and listen to this. If as a coach or swimmer you can’t get something out of this.. Well.. The world needs ditch diggers too…

Reply to  coacherik
11 years ago

I love it COACHERIK! Glad you enjoyed it.

11 years ago

Thanks for posting this. Very interesting. A real thought leader. If he ever gets down under I’ll challenge him to a game of 1 on 1. I bet he’s up for it.

11 years ago

Part 1 doesn’t seem to be working…

Reply to  SprintDude9000
11 years ago

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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