Hey Swimmers: Here’s How to Actually Keep Your Resolutions This Year
It’s 2017. Crazy! Here is how to actually keep the resolutions that you set for yourself this year.
The 11 Mental Stages Swimmers Go Through During a Tough Workout
Confidant, confused, terrified. Swimmers go through a gamut of emotions when coach scrawls up a tough set on the board. Here are 11 mental stages swimmers go through during a tough workout.
Have a Bad Workout? Remember These 5 Things.
Bad workouts will happen. Here are 5 tips to help you come back smarter and faster the next time you have a stinker of a workout.
5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Swim Faster in 2017
No matter how you fared in the pool this year, here are 5 questions to ask yourself in order to swim faster in 2017.
10 Things Swimmers Miss When They Stop Swimming
At this time of year a lot of swimmers are nearing the end of their season. Championship meets are just around the corner. Trust me, it’ll happen fast.
17 New Years Resolutions for Swimmers
Struggling to figure out what kind of New Years Resolutions you want to set yourself next year? Here are 17 resolutions for swimmers to help you get started.
4 Sets to Develop a More Powerful Kick
2012 National Club Coach of the Year Sean Baker of Oakville Aquatics Shares 4 Sets Designed to Improve Your Kick.
The 12 Swimmers You See at Your Local Swim Meets
Here are 12 of the swimmers you see on deck at your local swim meet. Where do you fit in?
6 Tips for Kicking That Tough Set’s Butt
With the season rolling on those tough sets are going to start coming in hot and heavy. Here are 6 tricks for getting through those hard sets like a boss.
5 Tough Lessons Swimmers Learn from Failure in the Pool
Failure happens to the best of us during our careers in the water. Here are 5 lessons to pull from those moments where things don’t go our way.
The 8 Swimmers You See Behind the Blocks
Swimmers are a weirdly unique bunch. From the way we train, to our pre-race rituals, we all have those little idiosyncrasies. Here are 8 different swimmers that we see behind the blocks at meets.
5 Ways Swimmers Hold Themselves Back in the Pool
All too often we catch ourselves being our own worst enemy. Here are 5 ways that we hold ourselves back in our swimming.
6 Things to Think About Next Time You Stumble with Your Swimming
6 things to think about the next time that your swimming is going not so, well, swimmingly.
7 Experiences Swimmers Know All Too Well
Here are 7 of them that competitive swimmers know all too well…
2 Sneaky Ways to Get More Dolphin Kicks in at Practice
There is no getting around it: if you want to become a more prolific dolphin kicker, you need to be doing more dolphin kicking in practice. Here’s how.