Tips for Open Water Swimming: Coach Catherine Vogt Shares Insight

Mike Lewis
by Mike Lewis 0

October 16th, 2013 News, Open Water

We’re reaching out to different coaches to find out their tips for open water success. To lead off it’s a pleasure to share Coach Catherine Vogt‘s insight. Coach Vogt was the head coach for the USA Swimming open water team at this summer’s world championship in Barcelona and she’s an assistant at USC.  She’s a guiding force behind the success of Olympic open water swimming medalist Haley Anderson and Ous Mellouli. Here’s some of her tips and tricks that help her guide her open water swimmers to podium finishes.

In pool training: try to keep sets interesting and purposeful – mentally challenging, keep kids guessing — vary intensity and speed. We do speed play and changing gears mid set. Use legs at the end of training. I try to engage the athlete in the set; make them think and manage multiple stressors

In open water training: fun to swim with goggles off and eyes closed – see where you end up! Mix up strokes – Breathe only to the right, then only to the left. Practice taking a gel while training. take a friend with you!

I believe you can train to be the best and fastest in the pool – but have to develop skill set relevant to open water.

For coaches: understand your athletes. Some process differently so try to understand them in racing & training scenarios – assess strengths and weaknesses. Racing is unpredictable so make the situation work for you! Show flexibility and trust your athlete.

Post race: Recovery in training is important – don’t push intensity too quickly the day after. GO over race and analyze what happened, why, discuss different scenarios. Everyone (coach and athlete) will learn.

Main mantra in open water – Get comfortable being uncomfortable! And expect the unexpected!


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About Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis is a freelance commercial, sport and lifestyle photographer based in San Diego.  Mike began making photos in the early 80’s and immersed himself in all aspects of the photographic arts.  Mike’s professional career in in photography began after 12 years working within the United States Olympic movement; he …

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