
BridgeAthletic Building Blocks Series – Partner Bodyweight Workout

The BridgeAthletic Building Blocks Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed on the pool deck by swimmers with a basic level of dryland experience and proficiency.

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BridgeAthletic Building Blocks #4 – TRX

The BridgeAthletic Building Blocks Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed by swimmers of all levels on the pool deck.

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3 Reasons Why Stretching for Race Recovery is a Must

During competitions, stretching can be a particularly useful way to accelerate post-race recovery and improve pre-race warm ups with minimal exertion. (Featured image: Natalie Coughlin)


BridgeAthletic January Olympic Trials Preparation Tips

This is the year all the hard work pays off. But in these 6 months leading up to the Trials the seemingly small things like what you eat and drink can slip through the cracks even though they are key to performing at your absolute peak.

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Bridge Athletic Building Block #3 – Power Circuit for Christmas/Winter Training Trips

The BridgeAthletic Building Block Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed by swimmers of all levels on the pool deck. This building block is designed as a power circuit to add to Christmas/Winter training sessions.

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Holiday Season – 5 Things Every Swimmer Needs

Holidays are the most wonderful time of year, but we know they can be plenty stressful and expensive, too. Here are five easy-to-find suggestions for the swimmers in your life that won’t bust your budget.

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BridgeAthletic December Olympic Trials Preparation Tips

Just under 6 months until the 2016 USA Swimming Olympic Trials. Are you ready?

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Bridge Athletic Building Block Series #3– Kettlebells

The BridgeAthletic Building Block Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be performed by swimmers of all levels on the pooldeck. This Building Block Series requires a kettlebell (KB).

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BridgeAthletic November Olympic Trials Preparation Tips

As the anticipation builds leading up to the US Olympic Trials in June and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, we will stoke the excitement with high performance tips and training techniques on an ongoing basis.

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BridgeAthletic Building Blocks – MB#1

The BridgeAthletic Building Block Series is a set of 5 exercises that can be modified for swimmers of all levels to perform on pooldeck.

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BridgeAthletic October Olympic Trials Preparation Tips

We are 8 months and 11 days away from the first heat going off at the 2016 USA Swimming Olympic Trials. Are you ready?

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Learn the Hex-Bar Deadlift to Increase your Swim Strength

We prefer to recommend the Hex Bar / Trap Bar over a regular barbell because it helps to decrease shear forces on the lumbar spine. This allows you to stabilize your shoulders in neutral and promotes proper movement mechanics, especially with taller athletes.


Learn the Dumbbell Deadlift to Increase your Swim Strength

The Dumbbell Deadlift is one of our favorite exercises to increase your swimmer strength.

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Learn Kettlebell Goblet Squats to Increase your Swim Strength

The KB/DB Goblet Squat is simply the Frog Squat movement but holding a kettlebell or dumbbell at chest height.


Learn Monster Walks to Increase your Swim Strength

If you are doing this correctly, taking your time, staying low and keeping your hips level in all 4 directions, you should feel a good muscle ‘burn’ in your glutes and quads.

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