Oliver Klement

27 Nuotatori Convocati Per La Germania Per Le Olimpiadi Di Parigi

Florian Wellbrock e Angelina Kohler sono i protagonisti della rosa di 27 atleti tedeschi che gareggeranno a Parigi alle Olimpiadi del 2024.

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Florian Wellbrock, Angelina Kohler Highlight German Roster For 2024 Paris Olympics

Florian Wellbrock will compete in the pool as well as open water event. He won the open water 10km event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.


Germany Goes 4-for-4 In Individual Open Water Events As Wellbrock Wins Men’s 5k

Florian Wellbrock finished first in the men’s 5k event at the 2023 World Championships, adding to his 10k victory earlier this week.


Gregorio Paltrinieri Rivela Problemi Fisici Durante La Preparazione Al Mondiale

Dopo essere arrivato quinto nella 10km Gregorio Paltrinieri ha rivelato di aver avuto problemi fisici che hanno ostacolato la preparazione

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Wellbrock Reclaims World Title in the Men’s 10k, Rasovszky, Klemet Grab Paris Berths

After winning the bronze medal at last years World’s, German Florian Wellbrock reclaimed the gold medal in the men’s 10k by a margin of 18 seconds.