Hubert Kos

Budapest. Finali Day1 4 Nations Meet-Protagonisti Milak Hosszu e Kapas

Budapest.Andate in scena le prime finali del 4 Nations Meet. Gli ungheresi sono stati i protagonisti, con le vittorie di Katinka Hosszu, Milak, Kapas

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Milak Hits 51.1 100 Fly, Hosszu & Kapas Each Snag Wins On Day 1 Of ‘4 Nations’

20-year-old Hungarian Kristof Milak is getting his 2020 racing season underway with the 4 Nations Meet, which saw him take the men’s 100m fly.


4 Nations Meet: Prime Gare Questa Mattina Per Hosszu-Milak-Kapas-I Risutati

4 nations meet: questa mattina prima gara post lockdown per gli ungheresi. In acqua Katinka Hosszu, Boglarka Kapas, Kristof Milak. I Risultati

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Kristof Milak Kicks Off 2020 Season With 200 Free/100 Fly Morning Double

200 fly world record holder Kristof Milak is back to racing, taking on the 200m free and 100m fly on day 1 of the 4 Nations Meet.

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Russia Cleans Up On Day 3 Of the European Youth Olympic Festival

The nation of Russia did major damage on night 3 of the 2019 Europen Youth Olympic Festival, which is taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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2019 EYOF: Grgic, Shanahan & Sabitova Among Day 2 Winners

Franko Grgic of Croatia put up his 2nd fastest 1500m freestyle ever to crack a EYOF Record and carry home gold tonight in Baku.


Croatia’s Grgic, Britain’s Shanahan Take First Golds Of EYOF

Katie Shanahan of Great Britain took the first swimming gold medal for the women, hitting a 400m IM Met Record, at the 2019 EYOF in Baku, Azerbaijan.