Gary Hall Sr.

Get Your Freestyle Head Position Right – Roland Schoeman Swimisode

Roland Schoeman shows how head elevation slows your technique while Junya Koga swims freestyle effortlessly with his head in the correct swimming technique.


How To Finesse Your Freestyle

What does finesse mean with respect to swimming fast? Gary Hall Sr., Technical Director and Head Coach of The Race Club, dives deep on this topic.


4 Creative Kicking Sets to Pump Up Leg Strength

If a swimmer is determined to use the kick for strong propulsion, the way most great swimmers do, then a six-beat kick is necessary…


How One-Arm Backstroke Drill Increases Power and Reduces Frontal Drag

World Champion Junya Koga demonstrates the one arm backstroke drill. This swim drill enables the swimmer to isolate the movement and position of the arm during the entry and underwater pull.

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Why the One Arm Backstroke Drill Matters

Two of the most important ways of getting a faster backstroke is by reducing frontal drag and by increasing propulsive power. The one arm backstroke drill accomplishes both tasks.


2 Great Ways to Test your Breaststroke Kick

There are two simple tests to evaluate your swimmers’ mobility and potential to kick breaststroke fast. See them here…


How Roland Schoeman works Dolphin Kick with a Kickboard and Snorkel

Roland Schoeman shows us how kicking with an alignment board and snorkel can both allow the undulation the body needs in the fifth stroke while remaining as streamlined on the surface as possible.


What are the Peaks and Troughs of the Stroke Cycle?

Once we understand how important it is to obey the law of inertia in the water, how do we really know if we are?

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How To Improve Your Backstroke Start

A great backstroke start is a thing of beauty. I liken it to a dolphin leaping out of the water and piercing the water through a hula-hoop, or David Boudia, scoring a perfect 10 off of the 10-meter tower. You see no splash and hear no splash.

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LA RESPIRAZIONE NEL NUOTO: l’arte del Respiro nella Gara Veloce

Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . Come respirare…

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How To Breathe While Swimming: Air Lubrication System

First, I want to dispel one myth about breathing during intense exercise. In no sport does an athlete ever take a complete inhalation or expiration.


Tecnica: Come migliorare la partenza con la TRACK START

  Per gentile concessione di Gary Hall Sr., dieci volte record mondiale, atleta Olimpico, allenatore e co-fondatore del Race Club . LA…

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How To Turbocharge Your Freestyle Engine

One can look at the freestyle kick as being similar to the turbocharged engine. In the 50 meter sprint, every swimmer needs to push the accelerator to the floor, maximizing the power of the kick all of the way.


Why Butterfly should NOT be considered a short-axis stroke

A short-axis stroke is defined as a stroke where there is desirable rotation of the body along the short axis through the middle of the hip, as opposed to the long axis, along the length of the body.


How to Master Swimming Starts With The Slingshot – Video

With the introduction of the back footplate on the swim starting blocks in 2008, the dynamics of the technique of starting changed.