Pereira 2024: Colombia al menos confirma un torneo internacional

Más allá de no recibir los Juegos Panamericanos 2027, se recibirá un evento organizado por la Federación Internacional de Deportes Universitarios (FISU).

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Beyond The Lane Lines: Kyle Chalmers Honored With Painted Mural

Check out the latest edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring Aussies Kyle Chalmers, Ariarne Titmus, Cate Campbell and more.

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La Gran Bretagna Non Parteciperà Alle Universiadi 2022. Le Ragioni

British Swimming si ritira dalle Universiadi per la mancanza di garanzie sulla rimozione della delegazione russa e bielorussa dall’evento

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British Swimming Pulls Out Of World University Games

“British Swimming continues to condemn the atrocities being committed on the people of Ukraine,” impacting the organization’s decision to withdraw from WUGS.


Annunciate Date e Programma Completo Delle Universiadi 2022

FISU, la Federazione Internazionale degli Sport Universitari ha pubblicato il programma ufficiale dei Giochi Mondiali Universitari 2021

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FISU Annuncia Le Nuove Date Delle Universiadi Estive Rinviate Al 2022

FISU annuncia le nuove date delle Universiadi Estive 2021, rinviate al 2022 a causa della pandemia di coronavirus. 26 Giugno/7 Luglio

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Le Universiadi 2021 Di Chengdu (Cina) Rinviate Al 2022

Le Universiadi (World University Games) programmate per il 2021, sono state posticipate al 2022. Confermato Chengdu, in Cina.

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Presidente FISU Revocato Dalla Carica Finchè Durano Sanzioni Russia

Il presidente della Federazione Internazionale Sport Universitari (FISU) Oleg Matytsin si farà da parte dal suo ruolo finchè eran sanzioni

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La FISU Rinvia Le Universiadi Invernali Del 2021 A Data Da Destinarsi

La FISU (Federazione Internazionale dello Sport Universitario) ha annunciato che i Giochi Universitari Mondiali Invernali del 2021 saranno rinviati.

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La Universiada De Invierno De 2021 Pospuesta: La Nueva Fecha Será Anunciada

Los juegos estaban programados originalmente para ocurrir del 21 al 31 de enero de 2021 en Lucerna, Suiza y sus alrededores.

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British Universities & Colleges Sport Pubblica Calendario 2020/2021

British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) ha presentato un’agenda aggiornata per la stagione 2020-2021. governa gli sport universitari nel Regno Unito

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Naples Selected As Host Of 2019 World University Games

University students from around the world will be convening in Naples, Italy in 2019 for the Summer Universiade.

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FISU Institutes New Age Limits on World University Games

Meeting in Brussels at its annual assembly earlier this month, FISU’s Executive Committee voted to pass the plan which is said to define the organization’s strategic goals.

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FISU Narrowing In On Naples To Host 2019 World University Games

The hosting decision for the 2019 Summer Universiade is expected to be confirmed later this year and Naples, Italy stands as the sole bidder at this point.

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FISU Bucking The Bidding Trend With 45 Bids To Host 2018 WUG’s

Hefty price tags have been making it increasingly difficult for countries and federations to host any FINA events, which is why Mexico had to back out as hosts of the upcoming 2017 FINA World Championships.

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