Federica Pellegrini

Assoluti Di Nuoto UnipolSai: Analisi E Risultati Live Finali Day 3

Le finali del terzo giorno degli Assoluti UnipolSai stanno per iniziare e si prospetta una sessione ricca di emozioni. LIVE RECAP

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Doha 2024, Africa Recap Day 7: Osman adds 3rd Bronze in 50 Fly, 7th Straight Finals Showing

Farida Osman, the African record holder in the 50 fly, claimed her 3rd bronze medal in the event in what was her 7th consecutive appearance.

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Kobrich Con L’8° Finale Mondiale Nei 1500 Ha Pareggiato Il Record Di Federica Pellegrini

La cilena Kristel Kobrich ha preso parte alla sua 8° finale mondiale nei 1500 stile libero pareggiando il numero di finali nella stessa distanza du Pellegrini

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Kristel Kobrich Ties All-Time Record With Eighth Worlds Final Appearance In Single Event

With eight appearances in the World Championship final of the women’s 1500 free, Kobrich ties Federica Pellegrini (200 free) for the most in history.


2024 Worlds Preview: Mixed Relays a Mixed Bag of Competiton or Scratches

Claire Curzan has a busy schedule of six individual events, but should the USA opt to swim mixed relays, will be a necessary piece for both relays.


SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2024: Women’s #10-1

Ariarne Titmus, Mollie O’Callaghan and Summer McIntosh were three of the best female swimmers in 2023. Will any of them rank #1 in 2024?


Federica Pellegrini Presenta La Sua Masterclass Su Sport XYZ: “Un Mix Di Pratica E Teoria”

Federica Pellegrini è la protagonista della prima masterclass dedicata al nuoto attiva su Sport xyz, una piattaforma rivolta ad atleti e appassionati

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How To Improve Your Technique And Mental Skills With Olympic Champion Federica Pellegrini

Olympic Champion Federica Pellegrini is the star of the first masterclass dedicated to swimming on Sport XYZ, a platform aimed at athletes…

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Federica Pellegrini Launches Swimming Masterclass On The New Sport xyz Platform

“Learn with the champions” is the mission of Sport xyz, the new platform that aims to offer all athletes and sports fans the opportunity to learn…

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“Felicità”: Federica Pellegrini y Matteo Giunta fueron padres

El año 2024 arrancó con una noticia conmovedora para el mundo de la natación: juntos anunciaron el nacimiento de Matilda, su primera hija.

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Federica Pellegrini Announces Birth of First Child Alongside Longtime Coach Metteo Giunta

Olympic medalist and former World Record holder Federica Pellegrini has given birth to her first child, alongside husband and longtime coach Matteo Giunta.


SwimSwam’s Official 2023 Swammy Awards Index

Leon Marchand’s world record in the men’s 400 IM was one of the top moments of the year as we look back on an incredible 2023 in our annual Swammy Awards.


É Nata Matilde, Figlia Di Matteo Giunta E Federica Pellegrini

Alle 6:51 di oggi, mercoledì 3 Gennaio 2024, è nata Matilde, figlia dell’allenatore  Matteo Giunta e dell’olimpionica  Federica Pellegrini.

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I Ritiri Nell’Anno Pre-Olimpico (2023)

L’anno pre olimpico ha portato anche ritiri. Ecco un elenco di ritiri degni di nota avvenuti nel 2023, poco prima dei Giochi Olimpici del 2024.

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Swammy Awards 2023: Nuotatrice Emergente Dell’Anno Erika Fairweather

Swammy Awards 2023. Erika Fairweather è la rivelazione femminile del 2023, con il bronzo conquistato ai Mondiali nei 400 stile libero

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