Bronte Campbell

Cate Campbell Si É Rotta Il Legamento Crociato Anteriore Durante Una Sciata

Cate Campbell, ex-nuotatrice olimpionica australiana, ha subito una rottura del legamento crociato anteriore (ACL) durante una sessione di sci in Giappone

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Cate Campbell Tears ACL While Skiing in Japan; Undergoes Surgery

Olympic gold medalist Cate Campbell underwent surgery last week for a torn ACL that she suffered while skiing on Mt. Kenashi in Japan.


Swammy Awards 2024: Nuotatrice Rivelazione Dell’Anno – Gretchen Walsh

Gretchen Walsh ha finalmente vissuto il suo tanto atteso anno di svolta nel 2024, guadagnandosi il Swammy Award come Nuotatrice Rivelazione dell’Anno

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Australian Rookies Given Gold Caps On Eve of Short Course World Championships

Since 2012, the Dolphins have made the gold cap sacrosanct for open teams, and today’s presentation included a motivational poem from Bronte Campbell.

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Triple Olympic Gold Medalist Bronte Campbell Gets Engaged in Venice

Australian swimmer Bronte Campbell and longtime boyfriend Benfield Lainchbury were engaged shortly after the Olympics while on a canal ride in Venice.

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125 Swimmers Take Home Medals From the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

China’s Zhang Yufei, above, leaves Paris with the most Olympic swimming medals. She won 5 bronze and 1 silver for 6 total medals.


Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Batterie Giorno 2

Pronti a tifare per i colori azzurri? Le batterie del secondo giorno delle Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024 stanno per iniziare e noi siamo pronti a raccontarle

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Si Entra Nel Vivo Con Gli Atleti Più Attesi Nel Secondo Giorno Delle Olimpiadi Di Parigi

All’arena la Defense di Parigi ci aspetta una mattinata piena di campioni olimpici, mondiali e detentori di record per il secondo turno di batterie

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Australian Women Break Own Olympic Record With 3:28.92 4×100 Free Relay

Meg Harris came home in a 51.94, the fastest split of the team. The old Olympic Record was a World Record at the time until Australia broke it last year.


2024 Paris Olympics Day 1 Relay Finals: Both 100 Free World Record Holders Will Lead Off

After blazing a 51.99 rolling split this morning, Sarah Sjostrom will lead off Sweden’s relay in the finals of the 4×100 freestyle relay.


Olimpiadi Di Parigi 2024: Analisi E Risultati Live Finali Giorno 1

Buonasera cari lettori! Siamo pronti a tifare i colori azzurri nella prima serata di finali delle Olimpiadi di Parigi. Ci sarà la prima medaglia del nuoto?

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2024 Paris Olympics: Day 1 Prelims Overreaction – Much has Changed in Three Years & Yet Not

Winding back the years Emma McKeon safely made the semifinals of the 100 fly and then anchored the Australian relay in yet another sub-52 split.


2024 Paris Olympic Day 1 Relay Speculation: The Americans Have a Conundrum (4×100 Free)

In an unfamiliar prelims anchor position, Caeleb Dressel put up a 48.19 on the 400 free relay. Is it enough to earn him the nod for finals?


2024 Paris Olympics Day 1 Relay Prelims: Chalmers (AUS), Dressel (USA) to Anchor 4×100 Free

While Chalmers and Dressel won’t meet in the individual event, they are set to anchor their respective country’s relays in adjacent lanes this morning.


Anteprime Olimpiche: C’É Chi Vince E Chi Può Riscrivere La Storia

Con il ritorno di 3/4 della staffetta da record del mondo e la possibilità del quarto, le australiane potranno, ancora una volta, riscrivere la storia?

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