Ryan Lochte and Jackson Roach: what it’s like on national team

by Katrina Radke 10

January 31st, 2013 Lifestyle, News

Katrina Radke talks with Ryan Lochte, eleven-time Olympic medalist, and Jackson Roach, Director of the USA Junior National Team about what it’s like on the national team: how the team gels, and how the team dynamic can really make it fun for everyone. They also talk about the support staff who keep the athletes strong and ready to race.

With World Championship Trials coming up in June, 2013, this is a great opportunity to hear a little bit of the inside scoop of what it is like. Keep training well, and know YOU could be on that team!

Katrina Radke is an Olympic Swimmer, Sport Psychology Professor, and Bestselling Author of Be Your Best Without the Stress, where she shares her own Olympic story, and tools for you to realize your true potential.

To keep in touch with Katrina, please visit:

Katrina Radke website and blog: www.katrinaradke.com

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Email: [email protected]


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12 years ago

Sounds like an old school and new school bro that just hang out and exchange stories.

12 years ago

Whoever decided to give this guy a college degree should be completely ashamed.

Reply to  Bill Volckening
12 years ago

Why are you always such a rude person (moderater edit).

Reply to  Bill Volckening
12 years ago

Lochte’s intelligence is obviously perfectly adequate to become the top level athlete he is. He’s smart at swimming. You either respect what it takes to get to his level, or you don’t respect the sport, in my view. There are other successful swimmers (perhaps less diverse swimmers) who are academic – but they aren’t Lochte.

All accounts say that he is a very warm and humble person. What more could you ask of someone?

12 years ago

Absolutely LOVE the opening screen here before I even hit play. Lochte couldn’t look more like Spicoli after a trip to the salon…

Reply to  coacherik
12 years ago

Nice! Cannot unsee the resemblance!

Reply to  coacherik
12 years ago

There’s no birthday party for me in here!

Reply to  coacherik
12 years ago

I learned almost nothing from that interview. They play a lot of cards and Ryan gets worked on maybe twice a day. Check that, maybe 3 or 4 times a day?

Daniel Barth
Reply to  jeantuehl
12 years ago

Lochte is an incredible swimmer, but he’s not the most intellectual guy… Lol.

Reply to  coacherik
12 years ago

They changed it, galldangit!

About Katrina Radke

Katrina Radke, MFT, is an internationally recognized Olympian, therapist, college psychology instructor, and a peak performance and health coach for many fields, including business, sport psychology, fitness, wellness and nutrition. She is a motivational speaker for corporate, educational and public events, and works with top physicians and health professionals. She …

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