On each day of the official Olympic torch relay, carrying the Olympic flame to the Olympic cauldron in Rio de Janeiro, the Rio2016 Facbeook page is posting brilliant and spectacular images from one of the world’s unique and most beautiful landscapes. Each day until August 5th, we will bring you these stunning images.
On the 72nd day of the Rio torch relay the torch travelled through four more cities in the state of Santa Catarina, and had an interesting encounter in the city of Joinville, the fourth and final of the day. A man attempted to extinguish the flame with a fire extinguisher (see video below) before being tackled by the security guards. He was unsuccessful in his attempt.
The torch began the day in Massaranduba, a municipality known as the “Santa Catarina capital of rice”. The great presence of the macaranduba tree is where the name originates from.
The torch then travelled 25 km north to Jaragua do Sul, known for “The Schützenfest”, a beer festival held annually in Jaragua do Sul due to the German colonization in the city.
It then went north east to Sao Francisco do Sul, located on the northern end of the Island of Sao Francisco. Sao Francisco is important to Brazil’s infrastructure, providing large bulk shipping facilities and is served by the major container shipping lines. It has become a popular tourist destination for its beaches and waterfront.
Finally the torch went to Joinville, where it encountered the man who attempted to extinguish the torch. Joinville is the largest city in the state, home to about 560,000. It is known for its German-influenced culture, and is home to the Festival de Dança de Joinville, the worlds biggest dance event.
Four-time Olympic swimming medalist Summer Saunders will take part in the torch relay on day 73, representing the USOC.
Watch the video of the man trying to extinguish the torch below:
Check out the images from day 72 below:

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Andre Luiz Mello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Andre Luiz Mello

Rio2016/Andre Luiz Mello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Andre Luiz Mello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello

Rio2016/Fernando Soutello