Michael Phelps Photobombs Allison Schmitt During TV Interview In Santa Clara

Michael Phelps may be a seasoned veteran, but he still knows how to have fun at a swim meet. While a local NBC Bay Area news crew was interviewing his teammate, Allison Schmitt, he found the perfect photobomb opportunity. What started out as a normal interview ended up turning into a nice little reminder of what swim meets were about as an age group swimmer: having a good time with your teammates.

Michael Phelps conducted his own press conference after the session, but was unavailable for one on one interviews. The news crew claimed they were pleasantly surprised when they saw the most decorated Olympian of all time strolling their way.

Phelps eventually posted his photobomb picture on his Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Michael Phelps photobombed his teammate, Allison Schmitt, during a TV Interview with a local news crew at the 2014 Santa Clara Grand Prix.

Michael Phelps photobombed his teammate, Allison Schmitt, during a TV Interview with a local news crew at the 2014 Santa Clara Grand Prix.


You can view the original article from the NBC bay area news crew and their video here. 

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10 years ago

Ahhh schmelps! Long may they last

10 years ago

Good to see he is really enjoying himself this time around. Not to say he wasn’t happy last Olympics but he just looked like he didn’t want to even be there sometimes. I know he always talked about how it was a challenge to stay motivated for London.

10 years ago

He really IS having fun and showing us his sense of humor now! It’s awesome to see that! During the years leading up to London he was always so negative. It would be a much nicer ending for his career, no matter whether he wins or loses (OK, I want him to with too), if he is able to enjoy the process and leave the sport with his love for it rekindled, rather than with a sense of relief that it’s all over!

About Tony Carroll

Tony Carroll

The writer formerly known as "Troy Gennaro", better known as Tony Carroll, has been working with SwimSwam since April of 2013. Tony grew up in northern Indiana and started swimming in 2003 when his dad forced him to join the local swim team. Reluctantly, he joined on the condition that …

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