The Five Best Moments From Diana Nyad’s AMA on Reddit

by Samuel Wood 1

January 28th, 2014 News, Open Water

Open water swimmer Diana Nyad, who made headlines last fall for becoming the first person to complete the Cuba-to-Florida swim without the aid of a shark cage, took to social media and news aggregate website on Monday to host an “Ask Me Anything” session, colloquially known as an “AMA.”

Nyad fielded a wide range of questions, including queries into the legitimacy of her swim, her proudest moment outside of the water, the mental anguish she experiences during long open water swims, and some users simply thanking Nyad for the inspiration she has provided in their lives.


Here are the top five moments from Diana Nyad’s AMA:


5. Nyad describes the mental exhaustion she experiences during her grueling 40+ hour swims:

#5 AMA

4. Expanding on the topic of mental fatigue, Nyad focuses specifically on the mental challenges she faced on her successful swim to Florida:


3. User mehday2day tells the story of how Nyad helped her son overcome his fear of swimming….and then some:


2. Nyad receives an offbeat question asking how she copes with or accepts death…she responds with an inspiring outlook:


1. User Room559 asks Nyad, “What do you consider your proudest accomplishment outside of swimming?”  Her response might surprise you…


You can find the rest of her AMA on Reddit here.

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11 years ago

How could you have possibly left off the apricot-fart story?

About Samuel Wood

Samuel Wood swam club and high school for 12 years,  choosing not to pursue a college career for academic reasons. He is a junior at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale where he studies political science and journalism.  In the summer months Samuel is an instructor at Miller Aquatics in Homer, Illinois where …

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