Education, Inclusion At The Forefront of European Aquatics Strategic Plan Through 2030

After revealing its new logo earlier this month, European Aquatics (formerly LEN) revealed its Strategic Plan for the remainder of the decade and announced the creation of a new Academy on Tuesday.

The Strategic Plan, an announcement of the European Aquatics Academy and an Aquatics Social Responsibility program, along with the approval of the 2024 budget, were presented to the European Aquatics Bureau on March 23 in Antalya, Turkey.

The Strategic Plan will serve as the roadmap for the organization from 2024 through 2030, with accessibility, drowning prevention and promotion of all aquatics disciplines among the focus areas.

The Strategic Plan follows in the footsteps of the four pillars first established by President Antonio Silva when he was elected in February 2022.

Silvas was unanimously re-elected in January after being cleared from an ethics complaint that resulted in him being dismissed as the head of the Portuguese Swimming Federation.


1. Promoting All Aquatic Disciplines

  • Develop, promote and coordinate all disciplines*
  • Facilitate education of athletes, coaches and officials*
  • Support the wellbeing of athletes*
  • Ensure affordable competition opportunities for our athletes

2. Our Sport: Making It Accessible For All

  • Promote lifelong health and wellness and prevent drowning*
  • Support the development of European Aquatics Federations*
  • Make aquatics popular for new participant groups and prevent dropout*
  • Address social inequality through aquatics
  • Learn from innovators and other sports

3. Making European Aquatics Fit For The Future

  • Realize Brand and Commerical partner growth*
  • Build an event portfolio to engage the next generation*
  • Achieve operational excellence
  • Achieve an efficient and cost-effective Continental Organization

4. Integrity: Transparency And Good Governance

  • Transparency in financial and business activities*
  • Governance support for Member Federations*
  • Foster a diverse, inclusive, competent organization*
  • Protect the integrity of our sport
  • Ensure a clean future for our sport


The Academy will serve as a hub for education and development, with things such as coaching certification courses at the forefront of its mission.

European Aquatics said it will appoint a project manager to help design an Academy certification system, create the curriculum and develop education content to get the program up and running.


The Aquatics Social Responsibility charter is a “key part” of the Strategic Plan that aims to address sustainability and socioeconomic issues across the globe.

It aligns with the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015, which has 17 development goals.

European Aquatics outlines three primary objectives: Accessibility for everyone regardless of social background, promotion of physical and mental health, and the conversation of water and reducing carbon footprint.

“We had an intense day of discussions and debate in Antalya which will have a major impact on the future of European Aquatics,” said Executive Director Patrice Coste.

“With the final approval of the 2024 Budget and the different strategic initiatives, our professional office will need to be restructured and we will now start the search for additional experts to support us in marketing, broadcasting, development, and data management.”

The Bureau will next meet during the European Championships in Belgrade, Serbia on June 21.

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Phil Espinosa
3 months ago

Right…inclusion except for the……..

About James Sutherland

James Sutherland

James swam five years at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, specializing in the 200 free, back and IM. He finished up his collegiate swimming career in 2018, graduating with a bachelor's degree in economics. In 2019 he completed his graduate degree in sports journalism. Prior to going to Laurentian, James swam …

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