Daily Swim Coach Workout #696

SwimSwam’s daily swimming workout series is a collection of workouts written by coaches from a variety of backgrounds. All daily swimming workouts have been written using Commit Swimming. The workouts themselves are not indicative of SwimSwam’s or Commit’s views on training. They strictly reflect the opinions of the author swim coach.

Workout Context

The Workout

400 swim – 50 derek, 50 swim

12 x 25 on :40 mod pressing drill

20 x 50 kick with fins on 1:00 descend 1-4

5 x
    100 sprint swim on 8:00
    150 ez recovery in lane 1
5 x 50 ez cool down

Coach Notes

The swim coach was asked to define any shorthand he or she used in this workout. Their notes should provide some additional context to this swimming workout.

Pressing – drill designed to use whole body on u/w kicking off start and walls

derek – swim with kickboard between legs

Derek Amerman
Swim Coach, Peoria Notre Dame High School, Peoria Area Water Wizards

SwimSwam’s daily swimming workout is powered by Commit Swimming.

Commit Swimming

Swimming news for swim coaches and swim teams, courtesy of Commit Swimming. Click here to view all daily swimming workouts on SwimSwam.

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