Commit Swimming: Rounds and Advanced Sets

Courtesy of Commit Swimming, a SwimSwam partner

Commit Swimming has been the industry leading performance management suite for swim coaches since 2015. It helps swim coaches manage their team’s training and performance on a daily basis.

Today, we want to show you how to write rounds (circuits that vary by round) in Commit, along with some other sweet tricks you can do with Commit’s parser. Check out the video below to learn how these features work in Commit:

Writing ROUNDS in Commit Swimming

For a long time now, Commit’s “The Parser” has been able to understand what we call “circuits”. For example:

—————–START SET——————


100 kick

200 pull

——————-END SET——————-

And now, we you also have the ability to change what this circuit means “by round”. For example:

—————–START SET——————

3x through… free/ choice/ free by round

100 kick

200 pull

——————-END SET——————-

Screenshot from Commit


For a long time now, Commit’s “The Parser” has been able to understand what we call “rep range modifiers”. For example:

—————–START SET——————

5 x 100s @ 1:30 #1-2 easy 3-5 descend

——————-END SET——————-

And now, you can also specify this type of set in a more natural way as well! For example:

—————–START SET——————

9 x 50s @ :50 – drill, kick, swim

——————-END SET——————-

The Parser will now be able to understand that this means 50s #1, 4, and 7 are drill; #2, 5, and 8 are kick; and #3, 6, and 9 are swim.

Screenshot from Commit


—————–START SET——————

6 x 100s – 3 easy 3 fast

——————-END SET——————-

Screenshot from Commit


  • No credit card required
  • Customize your own training terminology
  • Plans for all swim team types (high school, club, college, elite, age-group, masters, etc.)

6 benefits you experience when you start using Commit Swimming


“I am more organized and in control.”

With Commit, you are more organized, practice is more organized, it’s easier to write workouts that fit into the pool time you have, and workouts run more smoothly.

Coaches using Commit often say that once they start using Commit they can’t picture going back to life without it.

And a big reason for why Commit sticks with coaches like you is because you end up being more organized and in control.


“It is user-friendly:-) and saves me a lot of time”

You might currently use different workout management software or you might right workouts on paper or in a Google Doc.

No matter how you write your practices today, you will save hours of time every week after you switch to Commit.

Coaches using other workout managers often switch to Commit and note it’s simplicity and time savings compared to other options out there.

You don’t have to manually tally yardage and time to know how long your workout is or how long it will take. Commit takes care of that for you as you type.

In general, your ability to log workouts will become a lot easier with Commit, as it is user-friendly and saves you time in many ways.


“Our staff is more organized and the seasons run more smoothly when they can not only see their season planned out but also track it daily.”

You can write workouts in Commit and have all of your coaches access them digitally from anywhere.

This is great for developing new coaches, staying in sync across your program with regards to seasonal planning and program consistencies.

With Commit, your staff is more organized and things run more smoothly across the board.

Your coaches grow much faster because of the transparency and sharing of ideas across your team.


“Better quality control of team programming & athlete development”

Your overall program quality and athlete development will begin to improve and show steady consistency once you start using Commit.

Coaches like you often cite that it is easier to address weaknesses in the training program, that there is better overall practice structure/ variety for athletes, and that seasons become more analytical with Commit.

Commit forces you to be more precise in your training plan which has the downstream effect of improving the training quality across your entire team.


“The program broke 17 school records this season”

You see in plain sight what your training volume and breakdown looks like through time in Commit.

Because of how Commit makes it easy for you to analyze weeks and months within your season, you can see the bigger picture while writing a workout (this just isn’t possible in a Google Doc).

Coaches often mention how Commit helps significantly with rest and taper by providing fast and easy access to real training data.

You will begin to see more consistent performances and improvements from swimmers across multiple seasons.

Many coaches correlate taper success with their use of Commit.


“Swimmers pay more attention to workouts”

If it’s not already clear how adopting Commit Swimming will benefit you as a coach and your program as a whole, increased swimmer engagement should push you over the top.

Because Commit comes with an athlete version of the app for swimmers on your team, swimming programs that use Commit notice swimmers paying more attention to workouts.

Coaches generally say that swimmers are more interested in their training and show an increased sense of engagement.

Live Demo of Commit

Of course, there are a ton of features inside of Commit that make it more than just a smart workout editor. Try them out yourself by clicking the button below:

  • No credit card required
  • Customize your own training terminology
  • Plans for all swim team types (high school, club, college, elite, age-group, masters, etc.)


“Commit Swimming definitely improves the quality of my workouts and helps me be more efficient with my time.”


Stephen Clendenin, Head Site Coach, Nation’s Capital Swim Club

Read the Nation’s Capital Swim Club Case Study

“Commit is great, especially when you have multiple coaches trying to track the workouts of different groups training at the same time. It makes it easy to keep track of the planning.”


Emma Svensson, Assistant Coach, Florida State University

Read the Florida State Case Study

Simple. Powerful.


Swimming news for swim coaches and swim teams, courtesy of Commit Swimming.

Contact Commit anytime at [email protected].

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