Adam Peaty’s First Child Will Be A Boy

Less than a week after making the announcement he is expecting his first child, British Olympian Adam Peaty has revealed the sex of the baby.

25-year-old Peaty posted last weekend that he and girlfriend, 22-year-old Eirianedd Munro (Eiri) were pregnant, with the due date in the September timeframe. That date would have been after the 2020 Olympic Games, had they not been postponed due to the coronavius (COVID-19) pandemic.

Today, Peaty took to social media to let his followers know the baby will be a boy.

The initial announcement of the pregnancy was met with minor controversy, as Peaty hit back at media outlet The Sun regarding the accuracy of their story. The Sun reported the couple met via the dating app Tinder and had been on two dates.

“Please don’t believe everything you read as this story is far from accurate. I already feel the overwhelming love that I have for our child and nothing will take that away from me. I can not wait to become a father and the challenges and joy it will bring!” said Peaty.

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Texas Tap Water
4 years ago

Adam Peaty and his wife are two beautiful creatures

4 years ago

He is 25, she is 22. Up until now he had never posted a picture with her. In fact, not so long ago e used to post pics with another girlfriend. I hope the baby comes healthy and that Adam is happy, but to me it doesn’t seem the baby was planned at all. Which is fine. But I think he is putting a little bit of a show, saying everything is fine and all, but the Tinder remarks from the English tabloid don’t seem to be such a stretch…just my opinion.
This doesn’t change the fact that he is an amazing super champion, and that he will love is baby more than everything. Hope the best for him

Corn Pop
Reply to  My2Centsyall
4 years ago

Ah hey ma ma ma ma
Ah hey ma ma, m a-me doo-de din -day-ya
Hey ma ma ma hey -yah.
All the workk shut down .
Life in a Northern Town.

4 years ago

I know this comment’s going to get 100 downvotes easily but I have a strong feeling that the info about “2 dates” has been exaggerated not so much 😄 As far as I remember Peaty always posted pictures with all of his girlfriends on Instagram but current one received her first mention there only in that pregnancy announce. Correct me if I’m wrong. Anyway, that’s not our business.

Reply to  Eugene
4 years ago

“Correct me if I’m wrong”

“Anyways, that’s not our business”

Make up your mind

M d e
Reply to  Eugene
4 years ago

He wouldn’t be the first person ever to not be in a relationship with the mother of his child until she was pregnant.

Hope it works out for the child either way, whether that means the parents are together or do a good job of co-parenting separated (to the extent that is possible given it is not ideal).

Other than that hopefully this story is sort of done until the child is born now. I’d hate for this woman to get her name dragged through the tabloids and social media etc. for the next 8 months.

Reply to  M d e
4 years ago

Why only are you concerned for the “woman” getting her name dragged through the tabloids. Curious minds always want to know. If ya play, sometime ya got ta pay! If the female OR Peaty get dragged through the tabloids it will mean more notoriety and perhaps some money! I say more power to her, Adam and “Little John Snow” Peaty! Here is to a healthy time for the baby and mother. To Adam – well done!

M d e
Reply to  Ladyvoldisser
4 years ago


A) Peaty is already a public figure.

B) This becomes a story that’s more negative for women than for men.

Reply to  Eugene
4 years ago

I’m sorry you’re such a bitter person Eugene… What type of comment is that??? Jesus, this young couple is having a kid, show some kindness and support

Reply to  Olympian
4 years ago


Reply to  Olympian
4 years ago

But do they really need my support? 😂

4 years ago

The perfect lad to play “Little John Snow” on Game of Thrones II!

4 years ago

comment image

Reply to  Dcswim
4 years ago

Badum tss! 😉

4 years ago

So much for the Phelps-Peaty relay!! Possible now

Reply to  Anonymoose
4 years ago

3:20 incoming

About Retta Race

Former Masters swimmer and coach Loretta (Retta) thrives on a non-stop but productive schedule. Nowadays, that includes having earned her MBA while working full-time in IT while owning French 75 Boutique while also providing swimming insight for BBC.

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