McLaughlin Showing Positive Recovery Signs in Training

Last week, national high school record holder Grant Shoults of the Mission Viejo Nadadores tweeted that his teammate Katie McLaughlina U.S. Olympic team contender in the 200 free, 100 fly, and 200 fly swam a 2:13 200 meter fly from a push. This came after a set of 10 x 200s.

He added (with sarcasm): “She isn’t ready.”

Mission Viejo Nadadores head coach Bill Rose confirmed her performance.

Even after 10 x 200s and from a push, a low 2:13 is fast enough to rank in the top 40 in the 200 fly on the Olympic Trials psych sheet.

The eighteen-year-old McLaughlin comes into the 2016 Olympic Team Trials as the second-fastest 200 fly swimmer, with a seed time of 2:06.95. Only 2012 Olympian Cammile Adams is ahead of her, seeded with 2:06.33.

McLaughlin has had a tough season, however, so it’s exciting to hear that she is back at top form. The Cal freshman injured her neck during the team’s annual training trip to Hawaii in January, and the injury eventually caused her to move home for rehabilitation. She has since been training with Mission Viejo.

McLaughlin is entered in the 200 free, 200 fly, 100 free, and 100 fly this weekend.

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S Lawrence
8 years ago

Katie I’m rooting for you! Go Katie!!!!!!!

8 years ago

Where can I pre-order a copy of her book?

bobo gigi
8 years ago

Good luck Katie.

Tom from Chicago
8 years ago

Good story.

8 years ago

Way to go Katie

8 years ago

The tweet is from June 16. Pretty close to trials but not that close

Reiss Ormonde
8 years ago

Question is….. Why the heck is she banging out 10x200m Fly less than a week out from trials?????? Surely taper would have started by now??????

Reply to  Reiss Ormonde
8 years ago

Never said it was 10 X 200 fly, just 10 X 200. Didn’t say a rest interval or effort per 200 either. I seriously doubt she did 10 X 200 fly on a tough interval.

samuel huntington
Reply to  swimdoc
8 years ago

In defense of Reiss, the 10X200 must have been fairly challenging or else why would Grant tweet about it? I doubt he would tweet about 10X200 easy freestyle

samuel huntington
8 years ago

little interesting, this doesn’t seem like a set you would do when you’re tapering but I trust Coach Rose

About Hannah Hecht

Hannah Hecht

Hannah Hecht grew up in Kansas and spent most of her childhood trying to convince coaches to let her swim backstroke in freestyle sets. She took her passion to Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa and swam at NAIA Nationals all four years. After graduating in 2015, she moved to …

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