2014-2015 CSCAA Divsion I Men’s Poll: A New #1, and a Surprising New Rank For Harvard Men

Braden Keith
by Braden Keith 18

February 05th, 2015 College, News

See SwimSwam’s latest power rankings, also released February 5th, here.

The CSCAA has released their February 5th polls, and there’s a new #1 in the land: the Florida Gators. They unseated the #1 Texas Longhorns after beating #5 Auburn by 16 points and #13 Tennessee by 99 points over the last two weeks since the last poll was released.

That’s part of a huge shakeup in the rankings that saw former #2 Georgia slide to 8th, former #3 Cal slide to 7th, and the former #4 Louisville slide out of the top 10 all the way to 11th. Cal and Georgia’s slide came despite neither losing a meet since the last rankings (Cal beat Arizona and Arizona State, Georgia beat Tennessee and Emory).

Arizona, meanwhile, didn’t get hit too hard despite going 1-3 since the last polls – in part due to the level of competition. The losses came against Cal, Stanford, and Texas, while the win was against SMU.

The real shock is that the Harvard men have somehow catapulted from 25th to 4th in the country in the latest poll, after winning the HYP meet against #10 Princeton and #24 Yale. Harvard doesn’t have a single relay ranked in the top 16 in the country right now, and their average relay ranking is just 22nd. Princeton was unranked in the last poll, and Yale was in the “also receiving votes” category.

There is no current Ivy League coach representation on the poll committee.

See a full press release from the CSCAA below. SwimSwam is not on the committee that makes these rankings.

CSCAA NCAA Division I Men’s Swimming and Diving Team Rankings Supported by TYR

The College Swimming Coaches Association of America (CSCAA) Division I Team Rankings are compiled by CSCAA-member coaches and one media member.  The rankings will be released on a weekly basis throughout the 2014-15 season, alternating weeks between a men’s and women’s team ranking.

The CSCAA DI Poll Committee will produce in-season rankings of the 25 best performing NCAA Division I Swimming and Diving teams in rank order at the time of each poll.  The poll is not designed to predict the results of the NCAA Championship, but rather which teams would win head-to-head against other teams in the country. Ranking are based on performances that have taken place since the previous poll and include invites as well as dual meets.

CSCAA NCAA Division I Men’s Swimming and Diving Team Ranking as of February 5, 2015

  1. Florida
  2. Texas
  3. North Carolina State
  4. Harvard
  5. Auburn
  6. Michigan
  7. California
  8. Georgia
  9. Ohio State
  10. Princeton
  11. Louisville
  12. Stanford
  13. Tennessee
  14. Texas A&M
  15. Indiana
  16. North Carolina
  17. Missouri
  18. (Tie) Arizona
  19. (Tie) Minnesota
  20. Virginia Tech
  21. Iowa
  22. Southern California
  23. Wisconsin
  24. Yale
  25. Utah

Also receiving votes: Florida State, Notre Dame, Purdue, Virginia,

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Layne Staley
10 years ago

Disregard females, acquire currency and go to Harvard. Jeah.

10 years ago

The CSCAA is clearly trolling us overzealous swim fans. Well played!!

10 years ago

OMG. The CSCAA has just lost ALL remaining credibility of what little they had left. How on earth could Harvard move from 25 to No. 4? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLOOOOLLLLLLLLL. I’m driving to Vegas right now to put all my money on Cal and Michigan to upset Harvard. Surely someone there will take that bet, after I show them these “official” rankings!

Reply to  PAC12BACKER
10 years ago

You are brilliant.

Reply to  LINYphan
10 years ago

People might not be happy with the current standings, as derived from the operating formula. However, it is what it is and is apparently based upon recent meet results. That said, I am not sure why so many people are in a huff. Are you that threatened by this LOL?

And, sorry to say, but PAC12Backer is embarrassing the Pac12 with his/her attempt at intelligent humor. The PAC12 is replete with a number of outstanding institutions. It is unfortunate that Pac12Backer’s fatuous input does not reflect that.

Good luck to everyone as we approach championship season.

David Berkoff
Reply to  PAC12BACKER
10 years ago

Oh the Horror! Smart, non-scholarship kids can swim fast! Call the WaHH-mbulance for PC12Backer.

10 years ago

I read the fine print. No way in hell Harvard beats Michigan or Georgia in a dual meet….

Joel Lin
Reply to  Hmmm
10 years ago

Harvard is a strong and rising program. Good for the Crimson to get some attention. I concur that there is a stratosphere in the top 5-8 we all expect to see at the top of the NCAA meet table, and we all know which programs those are which you named two of. Even the most ardent Harvard fan would concur on that. Rankings are good for some entertainment and debate, but this isn’t BCS football…where you are ranked means absolutely nothing until the taper and shave season.

10 years ago

Read the fine print: The poll is not designed to predict the results of the NCAA Championship, but rather which teams would win head-to-head against other teams in the country. Ranking are based on performances that have taken place since the previous poll and include invites as well as dual meets.

Thus, the results of meets that occurred more than two weeks ago aren’t relevant. Harvard, Princeton, and Yale just had their annual meet that produced some of the fastest times in the last two week cycle. Hence the high rankings. collegeswimming.com ranks teams using an algorithm based on recent results and is pretty close to the poll results. (9 of the top 10 are the same.) SwimSwam power rankings… Read more »

Reply to  Mark
10 years ago

^^defensive Ivy League fan

Reply to  Lol
10 years ago

Brilliant retort LOL. You are apparently an incredibly knowledgeable and unbiased sports fan. Can’t wait to read more of your insightful contributions.

Reply to  LINYphan
10 years ago

^^another salty HYP fan

Reply to  lol
10 years ago

you are really embarassing yourself and the sport at this point LOL. Your “passion” is certainly respectable but your comments border sarcasm and idiocy.

College Swim Fan
10 years ago

Some of these rankings are a big confusing to me. Harvard at #4? Utah (who, If I remember correctly, beat Arizona by 50 or 60 points in a dual meet) at 25 (I think they were 20 or 21 in the last ranking), 6 spots below Arizona? As well as Yale being ranked ahead of them? There are teams on here that have been winning meets and moving down, and some teams that have been losing meets and staying in the same spots or hardly moving down at all. The rankings this year have been so off.

10 years ago

Someone must have hacked the CSCAA database.

Pac 12 Fan
10 years ago

This ranking is a joke. Why do they even bother?

Joel Lin
Reply to  Pac 12 Fan
10 years ago

Because someone’s Mom always cares about January or February rankings.

I can’t wait for the championship season. Texas, Cal, Michigan, Florida and then the NC States. This is going to be a fabulous NCAA men’s meet.

Tar Heel
Reply to  Joel Lin
10 years ago

Such a condescending attitude doesn’t fit well in the swimming/diving community. I hope that you are impressed with yourself … because the rest of us find your puerile and insipid comment to be fundamentally self-serving.

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of SwimSwam.com. He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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