Olivier Leroy

Ryan Lochte: “One of the Hardest Sets I’ve Ever Done.”

Ryan Lochte’s work ethic in the pool is second to none. For #TBT we are going show a set from 2012 he describes as one of the hardest he has ever done.


NCAA and World Champion Josh Schneider’s Favorite Sprint Set

US National team member and NCAA champion Josh Schneider shares one of his favorite sprint sets for you fast-twitch swimmers out there.


6 Questions Swim Parents Always Ask

This post was originally posted at YourSwimBook.com. You can join Olivier’s weekly motivational newsletter for swimmers by clicking here. They…

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Olympic Champion Janet Evans on the Importance of Using a Logbook

Before Katie Ledecky it was Janet Evans who was the most dominant freestyler America had ever produced. The 3-time Olympian discusses the importance of logging your workouts in order to swim fast.

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7 Reasons You Should Absolutely Date a Swimmer

Even with the smell of chlorine and the laser focus on something that isn’t you, you wouldn’t want to be…


12 Things You Learn Becoming a Swim Parent

The lifestyle of a swim parent and swimmer is no joke. Here are 12 things you learn on your way to becoming a swim mom or a swim dad.


Why You Should Go to Practice Today

Sure, it may seem like “one” missed practice isn’t a big deal, but here is why consistency and showing up matters more than you realize.


Science: 5 Proven Reasons Tracking Your Workouts Will Make You Fast

Here are 5 proven ways that the simple act of tracking your workouts can make you a better and faster swimmer.

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Make Your Swimming Goals Easier, Not Bigger (And Yet Still Do Big Things. What?)

Achieving your goals in the pool is tough work. Here is how to make it a little bit (okay, fine– a lot) easier.

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6 Excuse-Busting Tips for Swimmers

Elite swimmers recognize the value in having ultimate accountability with their swimming. Here are 6 tips for busting the excuse-making loop.


The Kansas Swimming Set: Take It Out Fast and Bring It Home

Clark Campbell, head coach of the University of Kansas Swimming & Diving program stopped by to share a versatile set…

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What To Tell Your Swimmer After They’ve Had a Bad Swim

It’s a difficult experience to watch your swimmer come up short of their goals and expectations in the pool. Here is a simple strategy to help your swimmer move forward.


6 Reasons You Will Learn to Love Your Early AM Practices

Early AM swim practices, while nearly universally loathed, are also a proving ground that separates the elite from the rest. Here are 6 reasons to learn to love early AM practices.


How to Become an Olympic Champion Swimmer in 3 Simple Steps

As we enter the Olympic year a whole slew of swimmers are in the home stretch of training towards qualifying…


Should I Be Going to Practice If I Am Sick?

It’s fall! You know what that means– large volume training and cold and flu season. Here is what you need to know about training while under the weather.