Sven Spannekrebs

Yusra Mardini Ha Annunciato Il Ritiro Dal Nuoto Agonistico A 25 Anni

L’olimpica e protagonista di The Swimmers di Netflix, Yusra Mardini, si è ufficialmente ritirata dal nuoto agonistico d’élite all’età di 25 anni.

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Refugee Olympian Yusra Mardini Retires from Competitive Swimming

Yusra Mardini, one of the stars of the Netflix biopic, “The Swimmers,” has officially retired from competitive swimming.


Syrian Swimmer Yusra Mardini to Have Life Story Told in Upcoming Movie

An as-yet-untitled film following the life of 20-year-old Syrian swimmer Yusra Mardini has received the green light and could be released as soon as 2019.

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Das Leben von Yusra Mardini soll verfilmt werden

Yusra Mardini ist ein syrische Schwimmerin, die jetzt in Berlin lebt und beim Schwimmverein “Wasserfreunde Spandau 04” bei Trainer Sven Spannekrebs…

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Schwimmerin Yusra Mardini sprach beim World Economic Forum

Yusra Mardini, die in Rio für das “Team of Refugee Olympic Athletes (ROA)” im Schwimmen angetreten ist, hat danach auf…

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