Sun Yang

Who Was A Part Of The 23 Positive Swimmers From China And Who Was Not?

See the full list of 23 swimmers who tested positive here along with members of the 2020 Tokyo roster who did not test positive.


La Cina Risponde Alle Inchieste Sul Caso Doping “Notizie False”

Il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri cinese, Wang Wenbin, ha definito le recenti accuse di doping diffuso tra i nuotatori cinesi “notizie false”.

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Australian Coach Denis Cotterell Defends China Amid Doping Scandal

Cotterell has been with the Chinese Swimming Association for the last two years and has ties with Sun Yang who is in the middle of a four-year ban.


Le Inchieste Di New York Times E ARD Ed I Dettagli Sul Caso Dei 23 Cinesi Positivi Ai Test

Le inchieste del New York Times e ARD forniscono molti dettagli sul caso scoppiato dei 23 test positivi e sulla getsione da parte di WADA

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Reports from NYT & ARD Reveal New Info About 23 TMZ-Positive Tests From Chinese Swimmers

The NYT and ARD shared materials but reached their findings on 23 Chinese swimmers testing positive for TMZ in 2021 due to contamination indepently.


A Battle of Titans: The Men’s 200 IM, Shanghai 2011

Ryan Lochte broke the world record and Michael Phelps swam the fastest 200 IM of his career at the 2011 World Championships.


Herald Sun: 23 Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive Before Tokyo Olympics

The Herald Sun is reporting that 23 Chinese swimmers were cleared to compete at the Tokyo Games after testing positive for TMZ due to contamination.


23 Nuotatori Cinesi Positivi Ai Test Antidoping Avrebbero Gareggiato A Tokyo 2020

23 nuotatori cinesi sono stati autorizzati a gareggiare ai Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo nonostante siano risultati positivi ai test antidoping

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Nazionali Cinesi Day1: Pan Zhanle Personale Nei 400 Stile – Analisi E Risultati

I Campionati Nazionali Cinesi di Nuoto 2024 hanno preso il via oggi da Shenzhen e la competizione durerà ben 10 giorni. Recap Day1

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Ireland’s Daniel Wiffen Swims 14:34.07 1500 Free To Move Up To #5 All-Time

Wiffen moved up from #7 all-time to #5 as he captured Ireland’s second World Title ever after he won the 800 free earlier this week.


China’s Banned Sun Yang Not Giving Up On Paris 2024 Participation

Despite apparently having been ruled out of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, World Record holder Sun Yang continues to train.


Anteprime Mondiali Nuoto 2024: I 400 Metri Stile Libero Maschili

Immergiamoci nell’atmosfera dei Campionati Mondiali di Doha 2024 con le nostre consuete anteprime: I 200 metri stile libero maschili

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Anteprime Mondiali Di Nuoto Doha 2024: I 200 Stile Libero Maschili

Immergiamoci nell’atmosfera dei Campionati Mondiali di Doha 2024 con le nostre consuete anteprime: I 200 metri stile libero maschili

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Mack Horton, campeón olímpico, se retira a los 27 años

Consagrado en Río 2016, es muy recordado por su lucha contra el dopaje. El australiano anunció que no estará en París 2024.

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Australian Olympic Gold Medalist Mack Horton Retires From Competitive Swimming

The 27-year-old Horton said he was planning on pursuing a third Olympics in Paris this summer until last year’s Australian Trials.