Two-Time European Gold Medalist Rasovszky Headlines Copenhagen Entries
Two-time 2018 European Championships gold medalist Kristof Rasovszky headlines the entry list of the 5th leg in the LEN Open Water Cup. Last year he skipped this race but now he is part of event regarded one of the most interesting one as it’s held in the canals of Copenhagen.
Len Open Water Cup 2018. Domani A Copenhagen La Quinta Tappa
LEN European Open Water Cup 2018 25/08/2018 Copenhagen (DEN) Sito web Start List gara femminile Start List gara maschile Debutto…
LEN Open Water Swim Cup: Doppietta Italiana Con Sanzullo e Santoni
LEN Open Water Swim Cup Navia (ESP) Risultati completi Sono due italiani Pasquale Sanzullo e Veronica Santoni, a siglare…
Italians Win Double Gold at Open Water Cup in Navia
The Italians, Pasquale Sanzullo and Veronica Santoni, doubled down the titles in the 4th leg of the LEN European Open Water Cup in Navia. What’s more, in the men’s event they did a complete sweep of the medals.