Unparalleled Dominance: A Tribute To The Walsh-Walsh-Douglass Trio
Alex Walsh, Gretchen Walsh and Kate Douglass went on a run like no other from 2021 to 2025, culminating in 41 NCAA titles.
2025 W. NCAA Previews: Battle of the Freshmen in the 1650
The women’s mile has a lot of talent returning from last year, buta pair of freshman are battling for the top of the podium including UVA’s Katie Grimes.
Summer McIntosh To Leave Sarasota After This Season, Considering Joining Bowman At Texas
McIntosh is looking to join a pro team after this summer’s World Championships, with Bob Bowman and the University of Texas at the top of the list.
Summer McIntosh Riscrive la Storia: Scende Sotto gli 8:10 Negli 800 Stile Libero-2° All Time
Summer McIntosh ha aggiunto un nuovo capitolo alla sua già straordinaria carriera, diventando la seconda donna all time negli 800 metri stile libero
SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2025: Women’s #30-21
Claire Weinstein (left) and Paige Madden (right) are both coming off strong performances at both the Olympics and SC Worlds, riding some momentum into 2025.
2024 Swammy Awards: Comeback Swimmer of the Year – Paige Madden
Paige Madden won two Olympic medals in 2024 and broke a World Record. Her journey to get here was far easy, earning her 2024 Comeback Swimmer of the Year.
Reviewing SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2024
Tomoyuki Matsushita (left) was unranked last year but won silver in the 400 IM in Paris, while Leon Marchand (center) backed up is #1 ranking with four golds.
2024 Swammy Awards: U.S. Coach Of The Year – Todd DeSorbo
DeSorbo played a important roles this year as the head coach of both the U.S. Olympic women’s team and the NCAA champion University of Virginia women.
Mondiali Di Nuoto In Vasca Corta: Il Riassunto Finale Dell’Edizione Di Budapest 2024
I Mondiali in Vasca Corta 2024, terminati una settimana fa, hanno visto atleti da tutto il mondo brillare alla Duna Arena di Budapest, Ungheria
arena Athletes Dominate 2024 SC World Championships With Record-Breaking Performances
arena Athletes Gretchen Walsh and Noè Ponti Named Female and Male Swimmers of the Meet.
SwimSwam’s Official 2024 Swammy Awards Index
Summer McIntosh’s dominant swims at both the Olympics and SC Worlds were among the highlights of the year as we look back on 2024 in our annual Swammy Awards.
La Duna Arena Seconda Solo Al Foro Italico Di Roma: 62 Record Del Mondo Totali
Dopo i Mondiali di vasca corta il conteggio dei record del mondo alla Duna Arena di Budapest è di 62, tra cui 28 sono ancora imbattuti.
Duna Arena Is Now Home To 62 Swimming World Records, #2 All-Time
Coming out of Short Course Worlds, Budapest’s Duna Arena has now seen 62 world records broken in it, including 28 of the current marks.
Mondiali In Vasca Corta 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Ultimo Giorno
Si chiude oggi una settimana di emozioni, record e straordinarie prestazioni da parte dei migliori nuotatori al mondo. Recap Live ultimo giorno
Claire Weinstein Firma il Record del Mondo Giovanile Nei 200 Metri Stile Libero
Nella terza batteria dei 200 metri stile libero femminili, la giovane statunitense Claire Weinstein ha segnato un nuovo record del mondo giovanile