Reviewing SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2024
Tomoyuki Matsushita (left) was unranked last year but won silver in the 400 IM in Paris, while Leon Marchand (center) backed up is #1 ranking with four golds.
Changes in Swimming Record History If Super Suits Never Existed: The Past 15 Years
If the super suits from 2008 and 2009 never existed, how different would the world record books have looked over the past 15 years?
SwimSwam Pulse: Marchand’s Olympic Triumph On Home Soil Was The Biggest Story of 2024
Racing under immense pressure in Paris, Leon Marchand won four individual gold medals and added a relay silver to cap off a standout Olympic performance.
Swammy Awards 2024: Nuotatore Dell’Anno: Leon Marchand
Leon Marchand è l’uomo del 2024, ed a lui va lo Swammy Award di nuotatore dell’anno per essere stato protagonista assoluto degli ultimi 12 mesi
2024 Swammy Awards: Male Swimmer of the Year – Leon Marchand
Leon Marchand wins the 2024 Swammy Award for Male Swimmer of the Year after a dominant 2024 from the Olympics to NCAAs and the World Cup.
Swammy Awards: Le 10 Migliori Gare Del 2024
Nel corso dell’anno sono stati stabiliti 9 record mondiali in vasca lunga e 40 in vasca corta, segnando uno degli anni più veloci per questo sport
2024 Swammy Awards: The Top 10 Races of 2024 (Meters Edition)
It was hard to narrow-down the top 10 races of the year with over 40 World Records broken. However, we did our best to pick out the most memorable ones.
Swammy Awards: Nuotatore Rivelazione Dell’Anno 2024: Ilya Kharun, Canada
Nel 2024, Ilya Kharun ha vissuto un anno straordinario, conquistando il titolo di Nuotatore Rivelazione dell’Anno ai Swammy Awards
Swammy Awards 2024: Nuotatrice E Nuotatore Europeo Dell’Anno
Gli Swammy Awards celebrano i migliori atleti, e i riconoscimenti di Nuotatrice e Nuotatore Europeo dell’Anno, vanno a Sarah Sjostrom e Leon Marchand
2024 Swammy Awards: European Male Swimmer Of The Year — Leon Marchand
Leon Marchand was the face of the Paris Olympics before the Games began, and he responded to those expectations with a historic Olympic performance.
2024 Swammy Awards: Breakout Male Swimmer Of The Year, Ilya Kharun
This year, Kharun won his first-ever long course senior international medals and firmly established himself as the third-best 200 flyer in the world.
Kristof Milak E Rasovsky Premiati Come Atleti Ungheresi Del 2024
La Federazione Ungherese di Nuoto (MUSZ) ha annunciato i vincitori del premio “Nuotatori dell’Anno 2024” nelle categorie piscina e acque libere
Milak, Kos, and Kesely Share Hungarian Pool Swimmers of the Year Awards
Kristof Milak (above), Hubert Kos, and Ajna Kesely shared honors for the MUSZ Hungarian Swimmer of the Year awards in the pool.
La Duna Arena Seconda Solo Al Foro Italico Di Roma: 62 Record Del Mondo Totali
Dopo i Mondiali di vasca corta il conteggio dei record del mondo alla Duna Arena di Budapest è di 62, tra cui 28 sono ancora imbattuti.
Duna Arena Is Now Home To 62 Swimming World Records, #2 All-Time
Coming out of Short Course Worlds, Budapest’s Duna Arena has now seen 62 world records broken in it, including 28 of the current marks.