Shane Tusup Torna Ad Allenare L’Élite Del Nuoto: Guiderà La Campionessa Europea Vivien Jackl
Shane Tusup torna a calcare il palcoscenico dell’élite del nuoto come nuovo tecnico della campionessa europea Vivien Jackl
La Voce Degli Atleti: Come I Campioni Gestiscono I Media Tra Trionfi E Difficoltà
Nel mondo dello sport di alto livello, la gestione del rapporto con i media rappresenta un elemento chiave della carriera di un atleta.
Shane Tusup Returns to the Elite Pool Deck as the Coach of European Champion Vivien Jackl
Coach Shane Tusup (above, right) and 16-year-old European Champion Vivien Jackl (above, left) with Honved club president Istvan Gergely.
SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2025: Men’s #20-11
Hubert Kos continues his evolution as one of the world’s best swimmers after roaring to Olympic gold in the 200 back after winning the world title in 2023.
El campeón olímpico Kristof Milak se disculpó y rompió el silencio
“El 89% de artículos no tenían nada que ver con la realidad”, afirmó. “Si todo hubiera ido bien, la dosis de información que me llegaba habría sido la misma”.
Kristóf Milák Ed Il Futuro: Tra Voglia Di Smettere E Rinnovata Determinazione
Kristof Milak ha raccontato il suo percorso dei mesi precedenti alle Olimpiadi in un podcast ungherese, svelando alcuni particolari inediti
Hungarian Olympic Champion Kristof Milak: I Thought About Quitting
24-year-old Kristof Milak of Hungary talked on a podcast recently about his tumultuous last year but also hope for the future.
The Invincible Records
Though more modest than a world record, two Northern Virginia Swimming League records have stood since 1965, both by the same swimmer.
Swimming in Tune: How To Explain Our Sport To A Music Lover
How to convince a music-loving friend to watch swimming? Leon Marchand, rhythm, timing, and stages will prove how much these two worlds have in common.
Nuotare A Tempo: Come Spiegare Il Nuoto A Un Musicista
Come convincere un amico amante della musica a guardare il nuoto? Tra Leon Marchand, ritmo, tempo e palchi, ecco quanto hanno in comune questi due mondi.
Leon Marchand E Sarah Sjostrom Eletti Migliori Nuotatori Dell’Anno Da European Aquatics
Leon Marchand e Sarah Sjostrom sono stati premiati come i migliori nuotatori del 2024 ai European Aquatics Athlete of the Year Awards
Leon Marchand and Sarah Sjostrom Win European Aquatics’ Swimmers of the Year Honors
Leon Marchand and Sarah Sjostrom have been honored as the Best Swimmers in the 2024 European Aquatics Athlete of the Year Awards.
2024 Swammy Awards: Comeback Swimmer of the Year – Paige Madden
Paige Madden won two Olympic medals in 2024 and broke a World Record. Her journey to get here was far easy, earning her 2024 Comeback Swimmer of the Year.
Reviewing SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2024
Tomoyuki Matsushita (left) was unranked last year but won silver in the 400 IM in Paris, while Leon Marchand (center) backed up is #1 ranking with four golds.
Changes in Swimming Record History If Super Suits Never Existed: The Past 15 Years
If the super suits from 2008 and 2009 never existed, how different would the world record books have looked over the past 15 years?