Konstantin Grigorishin

ISL Head: ‘We Will Use All Legal Means Available’ After Energy For Swim Postponement

Konstantin Grigorishin, the head of both the Energy Standard Group and the International Swimming League (ISL), sent a letter to athletes today, harshly criticizing FINA for what he called “self-serving tactics” and promising to use “all legal means available” after what he termed as a postponement of the Energy for Swim meet.

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Una Interpretazione Della FINA Potrebbe Inficiare Energy For Swim 2018

Articolo a cura di Jared Anderson. Puoi leggere l’articolo in inglese qui La FINA ha chiarito che da un’interpretazione delle regole…

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FINA Rule Interpretation Could Outlaw Energy For Swim Meet

A clarified rule interpretation by FINA could bring serious consequences for athletes and organizing bodies of the Energy For Swim 2018 meet. Meet organizers say the interpretation is FINA’s attempt to “destroy” the meet in an attack on the International Swimming League (ISL).