Brodie Williams

Mare Nostrum Swim Tour 2023: Analisi E Risultati Day 1 Canet

La prima serata della tappa di Canet del Mare Nostrum Swim Tour si è conclusa con alcune nuotate interessanti. Analisi e risultati

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2023 Mare Nostrum – Canet: Day 1 Finals Live Recap

American Michael Andrew will dive in for the men’s 50m free on day one finals of the 2023 Mare Nostrum Tour stop in Canet.


Fukuoka 2023: Equipo británico, con seis campeones olímpicos

Como era de esperar, Adam Peaty no ha sido incluido en el seleccionado de Gran Bretaña. A pesar de eso, plantilla bien competitiva rumbo a Japón.

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La Gran Bretagna Annuncia I Convocati Per I Mondiali Di Fukuoka

British Swimming ha rivelato la sua formazione di 29 atleti per i Campionati Mondiali del 2023 a Fukuoka, in Giappone. Tutti i convocati

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2023 British Swimming Championships: Day 6 Finals Live Recap

Follow along here as Great Britain’s fastest swimmers close out the 2023 British Swimming Championships in Sheffield, England.


2023 British Swimming Day 6 Heats: Dean, Guy, Scott & Richards Hunt 200 Free QT

Tom Dean, James Guy, Matt Richards and Duncan Scott are all vying not only for individual 200 free Worlds qualification but to also punch a relay ticket.


Campionati Britannici: Archie Goodburn Record Nazionale 50 Rana Nelle Batterie

Il secondo giorno dei Campionati britannici di nuoto 2023 ha visto un altro record nazionale scozzese cadere nelle manche.

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2023 British Championships Day 2 Prelims: Goodburn Clocks 50 Breast Scottish Record

Archie Goodburn fired off a new personal best of 27.19 to take the top seed in the men’s 50m breast, logging a new Scottish national record.


Campionati Nazionali Britannici: Le Iscrizioni Maschili Più Rilevanti

I Campionati britannici di nuoto del 2023 sono alle porte: l’azione prenderà il via da Ponds Forge martedì 4 aprile. Le iscrizioni maschili

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Dunks Goes For 100/200 Free & 200 IM For British Championships (Men’s Entries)

Versatile Olympic gold medalist Duncan Scott is entered in the 100m free, 200m free, and 200m IM for the upcoming British Championships.


Tom Dean Vince I 100 Stile-Bucher 2° Al Mondo Nei 100 Farfalla

Il 2023 Edinburgh International Swim Meet si è concluso con una grande prestazione da parte di Simon Bucher 2° al mondo nei 100 farfalla

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Austria’s Simon Bucher Hits 51.20 100 Fly, GBR’s Tom Dean Takes 100 Free In Edinburgh

Olympic champion Tom Dean delivered the victory in the men’s 100m freestyle to wrap up the 2023 Edinburgh International Swim Meet.

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British Stars Entered In Southport Olympic Prep Meet

Olympic champion in the men’s 200m freestyle, Tom Dean, is heading up a British squad competing at a local Australian meet this weekend.


2022 Swammy Awards: British Coach of the Year – Dave Hemmings

The lead man at the Loughborough National Centre, Hemmings led the likes of James Wilby, Abbie Wood and Molly Renshaw to successful years.


Joshua Edwards-Smith Rocks 1:55.42 LCM 200 Back, Now #2 Aussie All-Time

Joshua Edwards-Smith posted the fastest long course 200m backstroke of his young career, firing off a time of 1:55.42 in Queensland.