Ilya Shymanovich Swims 58.4 in the 100 Breast at Belarusian Open Championships
28-year-old Belarusian swimmer Ilya Shymanovich is the new world leader in the 100 breaststroke, completing a stroke sweep at the Belarusian Open.
Olga Yasianovich, Ex-Coach of European Champ Shkurdai, Takes Florida Club Coaching Job
Yasianovich has found a full-time position with United Swim Club, which is owned and operated by three-time Belarusian Olympians Pavel and Sveta Sankovich.
Kolesnikov, Prigoda E Borodin Tra I Migliori Alla Vladimir Salnikov Cup
a Vladimir Salnikov Cup si è svolta a San Pietroburgo, con molti dei migliori atleti russi che sono scesi in acqua. I risultati più rilevanti
Kameneva Clocks Two Russian Records At 2022 Vladimir Salnikov Cup
Maria Kameneva highlighted the 2022 Vladimir Salnikov Cup, where several swimmers put up times that would have medaled in Melbourne.
Anastasiya Shkurdai Cambia Allenatore Dopo 10 Anni Per Rimanere In Bielorussia
La stella bielorussa Anastasiya Shkurdai si separa dalla sua storica allenatrice, trasferitasi in USA, per rimanere in Bielorussia
Anastasiya Shkurdai Parting Ways With Longtime Coach Olga Yasianovich
The pair have worked together since 2010, but that has now come to an end as Yasianovich has moved to the U.S. to pursue further opportunities.
Solidarity Games: Surkova Personale Stagionale 100 Farfalla-Risultati Day3
I Giochi della solidarietà 2022 sono proseguiti a Kazan, con Mariia Kameneva e Anna Surkova che hanno dato risalto agli eventi della serata.
Arina Surkova Nails 100 Fly Season-Best At Russian Solidarity Games
The 2022 Russian Solidarity Games continued in Kazan, with Mariia Kameneva, Anna Surkova and Kirill Prigoda highlighting the night’s events.
Anton Chupkov Posts 2:07.19 200 Breast At Russian Solidarity Games
Former world record holder Anton Chupkov put up an eye-catching performance in the men’s 200m breast on day 1 of the Russian Solidarity Games.
2022 World Champs Previews: Strong Field Despite Many Absences In Women’s 100 Fly
Half of the finalists from Tokyo will be absent from this event in Budapest, but we’re still anticipating a heated race for gold.
What’s Next for Belarusian Swimming
Ella Seltiskaya, Chairwoman of the Belarusian Swimming Federation, shared the organization’s plan for the summer now that they’re banned World Championships.
Le Prospettive Di Anastasiya Shkurdai Dopo La Sospensione Dei Bielorussi
L’allenatrice di Anastasiya Shkurdai ci ha parlato di come sta vivendo il divieto di gareggiare imposto anche ai Bielorussi
Anastasiya Shkurdai’s Coach Shares Perspective On FINA Ban, Training In Belarus
Olga Yasianovich is at peace with FINA banning Belrusian athletes from competing at Worlds if it plays a role in ending the Russian attacks in Ukraine.
La FINA prohíbe a los atletas rusos y bielorrusos competir en el Mundial 2022
Además de anunciar la prohibición a los atletas rusos y bielorrusos, la FINA anunció que retira el Mundial de natación en piscina corta 2022 de Kazán, Rusia.
FINA Bans Russian & Belarusian Athletes From Competing At 2022 Worlds
FINA also announced that it is pulling the 2022 Short Course World Championships out of Kazan.