La Gran Bretagna Convoca 42 Atleti Per Gli Europei Juniores 2022

I Campionati Europei Juniores 2022 si svolgeranno a Bucarest, in Romania, dal 5 al 10 luglio. La Gran Bretagna ha annunciato un roster composto da 42 atleti, uno dei più numerosi di sempre.

Tra essi c’è Jacob Whittle che alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo era il più giovane membro della squadra ed ha gareggiato nella staffetta 4×100 metri stile libero maschile.

Insieme a Whittle a Bucarest ci saranno anche i medagliati dell’edizione 2021 della manifestazione: Eva Okaro, Leah Schlosshan, Harvey Freman e Evan Jones.

La Gran Bretagna si è posizionata sesta nel medagliere complessivo del nuoto nell’edizione 2021 dei Campionati europei Junior. Ha portato a casa 12 medaglie, 2 ori. Gli ori furono conquistati a Roma da Katie Shanahan, nei 200/400 metri misti femminili.


  • Ashleigh Baillie, City of Sheffield
  • Andrew Bertoli, City of Leicester
  • Charlotte Bianchi, City of Sheffield
  • Oscar Bilbao, City of Hereford
  • Alexander Casey, City of Leicester
  • Iona Colbert, Nova Centurions
  • Phoebe Cooper, City of Sheffield
  • Emma Croker, South Lincolnshire CSS
  • Evie Dilley, Borough of Stockton
  • Kaden Edwards, City of Cardiff
  • Max Elkin, Swansea Aquatics
  • Lucy Fox, Wycombe District
  • Harvey Freeman, Northampton Swimming Club
  • Calvin Fry, Mount Kelly
  • Anna Green, Warrender Baths
  • Chloe Harris, Royal Wolverhampton
  • Robbie Hemmings, Poole Swimming Club
  • Toby Hill, City of Manchester Aquatics
  • Laura Hodgson, Newcastle Swim Team
  • Evan Jones, Millfield
  • Sophie King, Woking
  • Livia Kingsland, Nova Centurion
  • Caitlin Lansom, City of Manchester Aquatics
  • Erin Little, Mount Kelly
  • Jonathan Marshall, FAST
  • Holly McGill, Heart of Midlothian
  • Tyler Melbourne-Smith, City of Liverpool
  • Eva Okaro, Sevenoaks
  • Alex Painter, Millfield
  • Darcy Revitt, Guildford City
  • Sienna Robinson, City of Sheffield
  • Antonio Rodriguez, Swansea Aquatics
  • Reuben Rowbotham-Keating, City of Manchester Aquatics
  • Leah Schlosshan, City of Leeds
  • George Smith, Leamington
  • Lara Thomson, City of Leeds
  • Matthew Ward, Mount Kelly
  • Jacob Whittle, Loughborough National Centre
  • Hollie Widdows, Mount Kelly
  • Cameron Williams, Dartmoor Darts Aquatic
  • Elliot Woodburn, Millfield
  • Matthew Woodhall, City of Sheffield

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About Giusy Cisale

Giusy Cisale

 GIUSY  CISALE A law graduate, and attorney for 15 years while devoting herself to running her swimming-focused blog, Scent of Chlorine. In 2015, she collaborated with Italian swimming news websites before joining SwimSwam in 2017. She loves swimming from every point of view and in 2016  became an official of the Italian …

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