Stephen Thomas

View Current photo via Courtesy of Stephen Thomas

A very different start to ending up poolside, with management positions in consumer banking and credit card business. Steve set-up a consultancy in consumer research and communications and soon after was charged with the concept development and ongoing marketing for Australia’s leading sports publication, Inside Sport magazine in 1991.

In 1997, Swimming Australia hired him to review their publication. It saw the launch of Australian Swimming & Fitness magazine in time for the 1998 World Championships in Perth, where he was approached by the then editor of Swimming World magazine to be their Australian Correspondent. He soon started adding photography to on-line posts, and covered Olympics, World Championships, Pan Pacs, and European Championships over the next decade. He also managed other swimming related roles include high performance distribution for TYR in Australia and athlete management.

Thomas lives by the beach in a small town in Northern New South Wales, just south of the Queensland border. He remains an active member of North Sydney Masters swimming club after 25 years. He has degrees in Marketing & Communications and Psychology.