9 Swimmers Among NCAA Woman of the Year Conference Nominees

9 swimmers are among the 142 women nominated at the conference level for the NCAA’s Woman of the Year award.

The nomination process starts with each school selecting nominees. The conferences then look over those nominations and pare down the list, sending on their nominees to the NCAA.

This conference-nominated list of 142 will then get trimmed by the NCAA down to 30 – 10 each from Divisions I, II and III.

The 30 nominees will be recognized at an awards banquet in October, with the 2016 Woman of the Year being announced.

The original list of 517 athletes nominated by schools featured 33 swimmers and divers. You can find that list here.

The new list of 142 selected by the conferences features 9 swimmers:

The nominees are spread through all three divisions. Acker, Lucia, McCormack and Ross compete in Division I. Matthews competes in Division II. Guo, Pruden, Slagel and Townsend are in Division III.

The NCAA will now select the top 30, then also pick 3 finalists from each division. Those top 9 then go to the Committee on Women’s Athletics, which will select the overall winner. That winner will be announced at the awards dinner on October 16.

Last year, 3 of the overall top 9 were swimmers or divers: Margo Geer in Division I, Kristin Day in Division II and Supriya Davis in Division III. Day, a diver at Clarion University, was the overall Woman of the Year.

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About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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