Zac Stubblety-Cook

Cate Campbell In Gara Per La Prima Volta Dopo Tokyo 2020 A Brisbane

L’australiana Cate Campbell gareggerà il prossimo fine settimana a Brisbane, il primo incontro della 30enne dopo i Giochi Olimpici 2020.

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Cate Campbell Entered In First Meet Since Tokyo Olympics

Multi-Olympic medalist Cate Campbell of Australia is set to return to racing in her first meet since the Tokyo Olympic Games.


Zac Stubblety-Cook Enjoys Snow & Swimming In Flagstaff

In Arizona, Olympic champion Zac Stubblety-Cook is experiencing slightly different weather than he’s accustomed to in his native Australia.


Lausanne Swim Cup 2023: Le 5 Gare Da Non Perdere

La Lausanne Swim Cup 2023 prenderà il via venerdì con una pletora di talenti internazionali provenienti da Gran Bretagna, Francia e Italia

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Victorian Open: In Gara In Vasca Lunga Kaylee McKeown E Lani Pallister

Sono stati resi noti gli iscritti del Victorian Open Long Course Championships 2023, che rivelano quali stelle australiane gareggeranno.

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Kaylee McKeown Headlines 2023 Victorian Open Long Course Championships Psych Sheets

Many of Australia’s biggest stars will make their 2023 long course debut this weekend at the 2023 Victorian Open Championships.


Teens Take Down Zac Stubblety-Cook, Leisel Jones Queensland Age Records

Current World Record holder and Olympic champion Zac Stubblety-Cook saw his 50m breaststroke age record go down at the hands of 13-year-old Oscar Kolenbet.


SwimSwam’s Top 100 For 2023: Men’s #20-11

Adam Peaty, Nicolo Martinenghi and Arno Kamminga will all be vying for breaststroke glory in 2023.


Adam Peaty in Preparazione Per Le Qualifiche Mondiali In Australia

Diverse stelle britanniche sono rimaste in Australia dopo aver partecipato ai Campionati mondiali di nuoto in vasca corta di Melbourne.

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Peaty & Hopkin Among Brits Training On Australia’s Gold Coast

British Olympic champion Adam Peaty is spending time down under, taking on a training camp on the Gold Coast before his next meet.


All of the World Records Set in 2022

The swimming world could have easily experienced a post-Olympic hangover this year, but we saw even more world records broken in 2022 compared to last year.


2022 Swammy Awards: Top 10 Swims of the Year

David Popovici’s world record swim of 46.86 in the men’s 100 freestyle at the European Championships undoubtedly the top swim of 2022.


2022 Swammy Awards: Oceanian Coach of the Year – Dean Boxall

Dean Boxall’s swimmers continued to pile up breakout performances in 2022, earning him Oceanian Coach of the Year for the third time in the past four years. 


Analizzando I Record Del Mondo Del 2022: C’E’ Un Modello Ricorrente?

Nel 2022 abbiamo assistito a 8 record mondiali in lunga, un numero leggermente inferiore rispetto al 2021, quando ne sono stati stabiliti 10

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SwimSwam’s Official 2022 Swammy Awards Index

Katie Ledecky and Summer McIntosh were two of the biggest stars of 2022 in the pool.