Rebecca Adlington

Changes in Swimming Record History If Super Suits Never Existed: The Past 15 Years

If the super suits from 2008 and 2009 never existed, how different would the world record books have looked over the past 15 years?


A Parigi 2024 Due Degli Arrivi Più Ravvicinati Della Storia

Abbiamo assistito a gare emozionanti durante le Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024, con molti arrivi al fotofinish. Quanto sono state effettivamente ravvicinate

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The Paris 2024 Olympics Had Two of the Closest Finishes In History

The men’s 200 free was an absolute barn-burner in Paris, with only 15 one-hundredths separated gold medalist David Popovici and Duncan Scott in fourth.


Paris 2024, North America Day 8: Ledecky Four-Peats, But Is It The End Of An Era?

Katie Ledecky made history with her fourth-consecutive Olympic title in the 800 free. But could it be her last one as well?


The Most Dominant Long Course World Records Heading Into The Paris Olympics

Kristof Milak’s 200 fly marker of 1:50.34 is more than one second faster than the #2 swimmer in history, Michael Phelps.


Trivia Test Olimpico: Statistiche Da Sapere Prima Di Parigi 2024

Phelps custodisce diversi pezzi di storia del nuoto olimpico, tra cui il maggior numero di partecipazioni alle finali e il maggior numero di ori in un evento

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Olympic Trivia Test: Stats To Know Before They Hit The Water In Paris

Michael Phelps holds several pieces of history in Olympic swimming, including most finals appearances and most gold medals in a single event (and much more).


Making the US Olympic Team vs. Making the Podium at the Olympics, a Statistical Review

Hali Flickinger occupies a pretty unique space in American swimming history, threading a needle that nobody else has done in at least 40 years.


Campionati Europei In Vasca Lunga 2024: Analisi E Risultati Batterie Day 1

Prima giornata di batterie dei Campionati Europei di Belgrado 2024 che vede gli atleti ungheresi dominare gran parte delle gare.

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arena Swim of the Week: Summer McIntosh’s 800 Free Stuns In More Ways Than One (Race Video)

Handing Katie Ledecky her first loss in the event in well over a decade, McIntosh blew everyone’s mind in the 800 free on Thursday night.


Summer McIntosh Batte Ledecky Negli 800 Con Il Personale, 8:11.39, 2° All Time

Summer McIntosh ha battuto Katie Ledecky in una finale negli 800 stile stabilendo il nuovo record canadese e del Canada 8:11.39

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Olympic Great Janet Evans’ Daughter, Sydney Willson, Commits to Princeton for 2025

Sydney Willson, the daughter of four-time Olympic gold medalist Janet Evans, has verbally committed to Princeton for the 2025-26 school year.


Beyond The Lane Lines: Katie Meili Enters Columbia University Hall Of Fame

Read up on happenings around the world in this edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring American Olympic medalist Katie Meili.

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Erika Fairweather Sesta All Time 400 Stile Libero 4:00.62

La neozelandese Erika Fairweather ha stabilito il record nazionale nei 400 stile libero diventando la sesta atleta più veloce nella storia

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Recent British Women’s Distance Performances Give Hope In Post-Adlington/Carlin Era

With a women’s distance freestyle drought at the 2020 Olympic Games, Great Britain is eagerly looking to young emerging talent to make their marks.