Peter Galicz

Verani E Furlan Campione e Vicecampione D’Europa Nella 25Km In Acque Libere

Dario Verani è il campione europeo nella 25 km a Belgrado. Sale sul podio anche Matteo Furlan che conquista la medaglia d’argento.

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Brazil’s Cunha Captures Fifth World Title in 25K Open Water to Close Worlds

Cunha won her fifth title in the event and her second individual title of the 2022 Open Water World Championships as she won the 5K earlier in the week.


Hungary Leads the Way at European Junior Open Water Championships

After the French domination in the past two years, Hungary took over the reigns at the European Junior Open Water Swimming Championships, held in Racice.

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South Africa’s Open Water Championships Conclude

The 2018 South African National Open Water Swimming Championships took place over the weekend, with domestic and international athletes convening at the Marina Martinique in Jeffrey’s Bay on Sunday, March 4th.

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