Juan Antonio Samaranch

Johan Eliasch-Un Visionario In Corsa Per La Presidenza Del CIO E iI Futuro Dello Sport Globale

Johan Eliasch ha ufficialmente lanciato la sua candidatura alla presidenza del Comitato Olimpico Internazionale (CIO). La sua visione

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Sebastian Coe Favorito Per La Presidenza Del CIO, Ma La Russia Si Oppone Con Forza

La candidatura di Sebastian Coe suscita forti critiche da parte dei funzionari sportivi russi, che lo accusano di danneggiare il movimento olimpico.

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Russia Still Against Coe As IOC President, But Changes Tune Under New Leader Degtyarev

The Russians have streamlined their communication with the IOC in hopes of finding common ground and a return to international competition in 2025.


Canada, Italy, Sweden Candidates for 2026 Winter Olympics

Courtesy: International Olympic Committee The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session today invited Calgary (Canada), Milan/Cortina d’Ampezzo (Italy) and Stockholm (Sweden)…


IOC Santions 3 Athletes For Failing Anti-Doping Tests At London 2012

The protection of clean athletes and the fight against doping are top priorities for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), as outlined in Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC’s strategic roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement.

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IOC Creates 3-Member Panel to Finalize Decisions on Russian Athletes

The IOC has set up a three-member panel that it says will have final review authority over which Russian athletes are and are not accepted into the Olympic Games, including swimmer Vlad Morozov (above).