2024 SC World Championships: Day 6 Finals Live Recap
WR holder Regan Smith faces phenom Summer McIntosh in the 200 back final. Smith aims for a backstroke sweep and McIntosh for her fourth WR of the meet.
Gretchen Walsh Supera I 247.000 $ Ai Mondiali In Vasca Corta 2024
Con otto record del mondo stabiliti e una serie di vittorie individuali, Walsh ha accumulato un montepremi complessivo di 247.916,67 dollari
SC Worlds Day 5 Prize Money Update: Gretchen Walsh’s Earnings Reach $247K After New WR
Walsh’s prize money total keeps on growing, while Summer McIntosh and Noe Ponti have also broken six figures in prize money earnings.
2024 SC World Championships: Day 5 Finals Live Recap
It is the 2nd to last finals session of the 2024 World Champs and Gretchen Walsh is getting a chance to break the 100 fly World Record for the 3rd time.
La Storia É Scritta: Jordan Crooks É Il Primo Uomo Della Storia Sotto I 20″ Nei 50 Stile
Il muro dei 20 secondi nei 50 stile libero maschili è stato abbattuto oggi da Jordan Crooks . Questa serata la ricorderemo a lungo.
Jordan Crooks Becomes First Man Under 20 Seconds In SCM With 19.90 50 Free
Crooks broke Dressel’s record in prelims and went even faster in semifinals, describing tonight as “sharper.”
Budapest 2024: finales de sábado con más récords mundiales
Con altísimo nivel, siguen cayendo plusmarcas en la capital húngara. El repaso completo de una nueva jornada de definiciones.
Jordan Crooks, orgullo de Islas Caimán, bajó un récord de Caeleb Dressel
En las series de los Mundiales Budapest 2024, fijó 20.08, con el que mejoró la anterior plusmarca que poseía el estadounidense desde 2020.
Jordan Crooks Breaks 50 Free World Record With 20.08 in Worlds Prelims
Crooks claimed the title of fastest 50 freestyler in the world with his record-breaking performance in Budapest, taking down Caeleb Dressel’s world record.
Jordan Crooks E’ Il Nuotatore Più Veloce Di Sempre: WR Nei 50 SL In 20.08
Jordan Crooks nuota il nuovo record del mondo nei 50 stile libero maschili battendo il precedente di Caeleb Dressel del 2020
2024 SC World Championships: Day 5 Prelims Live Recap
All eyes will be on Canadian Summer McIntosh as she races in her best event, the 400 IM, on the second-to-last prelim session of 2024 SC worlds
Thomas Heilman Blasts 43.86 100 Fly To Break Own 17-18 NAG, Would Be #3 In NCAA This Season
Heilman’s time would sit only behind Jordan Crooks and Ilya Kharun this season. It also would have been 3rd at 2024 NCAAs.
Walsh’s World Record Onslaught Gives Her $187K In Earnings Through Four Days of SC Worlds
Having broken six world records individually and another on a relay, Gretchen Walsh is cleaning up at Short Course Worlds with a stunning money haul.
Mondiali In Vasca Corta Budapest: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali Day 4
Ci aspetta una sessione di finali ricca di emozioni e dove potrebbero cadere altri World Records. Restate connessi con il nostro Live Recap
Mondiali In Vasca Corta 2024: Analisi E Risultati LIVE Finali DAY 3
Benvenuti alla diretta del Day 3 dei Mondiali di Nuoto in Vasca Corta 2024 da Budapest! Aggiornamenti live minuto per minuto