Swim Mom

Swim Mom Musings: The Swimmer in the Glass

Given that high school and college champs season is in full swing with club to soon follow, I was thinking about what makes swimming the greatest sport on earth.


Swim Mom: 9 Easy Ideas for Concession Snacks at Swim Meets

Here are 9 easy ideas for concession snacks at swim meets. Some are ordinary, but good and healthy, while a few are more unusual.


10 Minutes a Day for Happier Parents and Swimmers

I discovered a simple exercise that can help us—and our kids—with our mental well-being and happiness.

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Ask Swim Mom: What Do I Say When My Child Misses Their Cut?

I found through the years that when my kids tried too hard, they would miss their cuts by fractions of seconds. One of our favorite coaches told me that our kids had to be having fun to swim fast.


3 Pros and Cons of Small and Large Teams

Teams come in all sizes and types from small club teams under 200 swimmers to nationally recognized teams with 1,000 swimmers. What’s right for your family?


Ask Swim Mom: Can I help my swimmer get faster?

I’m afraid she’ll lose interest in swimming. Is there anything I can do to make her stay with swimming, or help her to get faster?


Swim Mom Musings: A Culture of Kindness

One of the most vital aspects of any team, whether it is high school, club, summer or the NCAA, is creating a culture of kindness and caring – no matter what the sport.


Four Things That Make a Swim Team Great

Here are four things that make a swim team great. What other elements are important when choosing a team?

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Less Is More in Swim Parenting

Your kids will be happy, well-adjusted, self-sufficient and swim about the same or better than if you are overly involved.


Secrets of Success for Swim Parents

These are five common traits found in happy, successful people that we can work on ourselves and introduce to our kids.

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SwimMom Musings: SwimGiving

This is a great time to reflect on the blessings of swimming. We have the best coaches, athletes and parents of any sport I have been connected with – and that list is long. So as we stop and thank everyone, here are the traits we admire in each of the sport’s important players.  These kinds of leaders, are the heart of SwimGiving.

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Ask Swim Mom: What Should I Say After Races?

My 13-year-old daughter doesn’t always respond well or appreciate what I say to her after she races. Do you have any suggestions about offering praise or making comments about swims?


10 Things Parents Can and Cannot Control

At some point, we need to step back a bit and let our kids take control of their lives, while hovering a few feet away, hoping it all works out.

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Should Parents Talk About Performance?

Our job as a mentor is to teach the many life lessons from swimming for the big picture of their lives, not a better streamline or faster turns—that’s the coach’s job.


10 Things I Learned from Swim Moms

was so fortunate to have amazing swim moms on my children’s team when I was a newbie. They took me under their wings and taught me the ropes around the pool. Here are 10 things about swimming that I learned from swim moms.